Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

AM auction. 3aUs. ercd a party of rebels building a bitteryon the liHantcTi. vTo Ilcnt. Is fully equal to the supply, and they are firm ot FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.

THE BARBARISM OF OUR REBEL ESE3IIES $9.00... In. upper qualities there Is but little UJin rdesirable situa Bonn ouik, on wnora me xanicee opened tire at. a distance of three-quarters, of a mile. The ret els eeemed loth to abandon their works, and although the sheila of the Yankee fell in and the market is nominal.

We quote ttnr, TTmaeeiMr. try a woman of exneri. KENT A neat Cottage, con-talning five rooms, in the southern part of the city, on Harilin Place one block west of cottage Lxtkbeb First Clear, per 1,000 ft. $22.0023.00 Would not opjecx to going iu nuniri. Second Clear 13.01.

their midst, they did not leave the dress M. 1 ribune Offlce. apis paw-as Grove HorfrM Rauwav. Of a 1. STRAUS.

No. Laraion Block Dwt iook retuge in the wooos ana Detuad some neighboring log houses. The Tankee, after firing sixty or seventy shot and shell "XT ANTED. Two or three good Insurance canvassers. To those who are qual.

Hied, a Rood arrangement can be made. Apply at No. SSmon Bloctr. witb. Barn, 345 Wabash avenue; between Concrrsss sad Va Bu- GOODS, BETJSSZIXS CARPETS, Silver Plated Ware, Crockery ft fHaeawwe, 5 AT AUCTION Without renerve, for cash.

T9I8 morntajr. April vwt, at o'clock at our salesroom. Nos. 4. 4 aud SO Dearborn street, we shall soli the Household Goods of a family.

A 'so An Invoice of Silver Plated Warn, an Invotes of Glassware severnl new and second hand valvet, Brmsm nrd other carpets. p04 It WM. A. BUTTKE8 ft CO, Ancfrs. BY VM.

A. BUTTERS CO AUCTIONBKK3 Third 13.00cs... Stock Boards. 10.00 Common Boards, 9.003 Fencing, dry 9.00..... Clear Flooring, 18.00 Second Clear do 14.00 Common do do 12.0G Siding, Clear undressed.

lO.OOrtn Common do 8.00 Cull Boards curing an nonr and a hall, left. As the-Tankee was leavine. the boats, of the Marhln-' head were on their way. to the shore to burn TTTANTED. quiet; Tespectabie family to occupy a food and convenient house qnlreol' S.

SAglfeB, So. 16 Lake streets. fpO RENT FroiiLlsi of May till 1 1st of November, partly furnished, and after 1st of November without furniture, a small house pleas- me nouse behina whicii tee rebels had taken refuge. with whom the owner ID IBB miB'acBspK 111 would take board. Apply to Box i886.

apl4p917-lw ty, Long lo.O013.00 -TtregDAT Evrsnro, April 15, 1S69. Wzsklt Rkvtkw Thx Wxathxb and Chops. During the past week we have had a continuation of heavy rains all over this State, as well as In Iowa and the other Northwestern. States, and farmers have yet made but little progress in their Spring work. In Some parts of Central and Northern Illinois the ground is so wet with the incessant rains of the past foar or five weeks, that it is impossible to do anything.

Much apprehension is felt inconsequence of this with regard to the next crop of spring wheat, which, when- late sown, Is much more subject to the fatal rust and blight than when It is put In the ground early in spring. The winter wheat in some sections looks well but the cold rains which prevailed last month have damaged the crop very materially in low grounds. -Cottase- House WANTED, wanted by the 1st of May, oa the West Side, Merchant anor ox nw-uuo vwuuob. A Plea in Behalf of General Stone. ISpecial Dispatch to the Chicago TrlDM.j i WASHMOIOH, April 15,1861.

The Committee on the Conduct of tbe War 21 slwrtly make a brief report -on the rebel attrocIUes on the field of Ball Bun, embracing feet which would not be believed unless reported by nncontcetible sworn evidence, Smi presented In official Julien of Indiana baa paid considerable attention to the extraordinary facts recently developed there, Euch as disinterring Union soldiers to obtain for trophies, and he, with other mem-Lera of the Committee, think the public Should know what kind of barbarians we have to deal with. i Other parts of the Committees report will le presented as soon as the evidence is folly anvy sitnatea on uie jsorw mae, box Ohio street. TO -Offices and rooms. In the fine iron front boilings North- bnavea buingies, a a. do do No.

2.5i'.4 Sawed Shingles, 2.75 do do No. 1 2.25 2.50 Lath. 1.75 3.00 Posts, 100 1O.O04S15.OO iarnWhing tioCKls. dlC containing five or six rooms. Must be plentlv situated.

stating location, teraia P. rwwtthmit riM-rr- tirOllu. ai in. bihtwito 1 be City Election. Yesterday was by all odds the most quiet season for a municipal election that has been experienced In Chicago la.

many years. One thing that contributed much toward this, was the presence of an overpowering supply of police, regular and special about one hundred and fifty of the latter having been sworn (in for1 the occasion by the Another thing, was the timely proclamation 'of Mayor Bumsey calling upon all saloon keepers to keep their places closed during the Voters -could get the liquor upon to get and of a necessity remained sober. I The votej as will be seen; upon a perusal of the returns annexed, was extremely light. In fact not half a vote was The Republicans having little interest in the election generally, and being kept Indoors by the bad weather of the fore part ot the day, were not out in their strength, and In consequence, this morning are the subjects of a defeat, the opposition ticket been elected by a majority of 1,487. A little energy on the part of the Republicans might have averted this reverse, The following are the returns, as far as we are able to obtain them up to three o'clock this morning: Fibst Ward lrf District.

Holden, 601; Sherman, 818; Bnell. 488; Rice, 638; Raber, 5J: T. F. Edward, 611; Chilson, 623; Wilson, 696; Meech, POTATOES There is a fair demand for prime west corner Kanaoipn ana wens strneu, Known Lloyo's Block. Inquire 01 JOHN H.

THOMPSON. No. 7S Dearborn street. apH-p-JK-at Neshannocks and Mercers at S540c but common OnFBIDAr, April 18th, at o'clock, a M. atonr Halesrooms, 4ti and 50 Dearborn street.

We shall sell the stosk ot a Merchant Tailor retiring from business, eomprislng cut pieces ot cloths, cssslmeres, linen orlilings, marseilles, shirts, drawers, neckties, handkerchiefs. Hosiery, 44 Also, a fins lot of cmstom mads clothing, eonlsUng of coats, pants and A eats. Also, aa Invoice of dry goods, cloths aatinots. mixed are quiet at 8035c. i bkfobjs XORKTOvrw, April 15.

Yesterday morning a section of artillery wag planted within half a mile of the rebel works, and fifteen shots were fired into the earthworks before they could bring guns to bear, when we Withdrew. A fine view was had yesterday of the rebel works at Yorktown and Gloucester from a house at the month of Wornlith's Creeks Twenty-four guns were seen in the water battery at Yorktown and nine at Gloucester. At the latter placa new works are being erected. 'The wharves were covered with commissary stores and the river dotted with sails. On Saturday Corporal Bean, Co.

Berdan's sharp-shooters, was shot while on picket duty. A young- man who is tboronehly acquainted with the Beta 11 Grocery business. Must be able tc give references as to sobriety and Industry To such, a good salary will be given. One who has learned tha business In any of the large cities of the Old Country, preferred. Address Box 251, P.

O. St. Louis, MO. aplt-pS 5--8W BUTTER There is aa active shipping demand TO RENT. House No.

384 North LasaHe street 11 rooms, gas, water, baft room, cellar, and all modern Improvements, and a barn oa rear of lot lot lilt! feet, fronting east, aear Maple at. for Grease Butter at 8c and fair firkin at 89c. Dairy, ll12c inquire or ulAJtX HAJK, tM uearnorn street. esRins, unena, sol wins, K.5-St WM. A.

BUTTERS Se CO Anc'ra. api-paoat in good supply, with sales of 80 T7 ANTED. A Boiler, suitable for 11 an engine of six or elsht horse power. Also. I A rj.aa tf lit .1,: Address "BOILKlt," brls at buyer's count.

1 Short Rib O.OSKffaO.OS Short Boneless COST'S 0.06 Bulk Sides, loose. i 0.04 0.04 03 0 03- MecsBeef. 10.00 10.50 Extra Mess Beef 1L00 12.00. Prime Mesa Beef, in tierces. Beef 18.80 14 00 Prime Leaf Lard, Kettle.

h. 0.07 0.073: 0.07 To. 1 0.06 O.OSJtf White 0.05X 00.6 Yellow Grease. 0.05X005.K I The following review of the Provision market is takenifrom the weekly circular of Mr. Hknet Mn WARD, provision broker, Issued to-day The receipts of Provisions from, the country points have been very bat every product with the exception or mess pork and hams have met a ready sale at very full prices.

Mess pork, both country and city packed has been neglected and sales were made with difficulty at $10-60, thouu-h most holders asked 10.75, the market closing dull at the inside quotation. Several shipments have been made East during the week and the stock is beginning to move, but some of the Eastern holders have directed the sale of their pork here in preference to having it shipped. There appears to be bnt slight confidence entertained in the future profit on this product. Prime Mess is inquired for at $9.50, but the receipts from the country are small and the stock of city packing has been sometime exhausted. In prime and rump pork no transactions have been reported.

Bulk meats meet a ready sale at V3Xefor and 44Jfc for Hides, both loose. Hams are very dull at 44Xc for Dry Salted. English meats are very active, and some large sales have been made deliverable both here and on the Mississippi river, at 5c for Cumberlands, JSJf 5Kc for Long, SJtfe for long boneless, 5X6c for short, and 6X6c for short Boneles Middles. 1 Lard has been In very active demand, and the market closes very firm at 73c for prime, and 6H e5xc for No. 1.

Grease is much Inquired for at 5j5e for yellow, and 6X36c for white. i FLOUR Received to-day, 2,070 brls; received last week, 14,070 brls, against 10,614 brls the week Shipped last week 18,478 brls, against 6,813 brls the week previous Of the shipments this week 3,170 brls were Cleared by lake at the Custom House, the balance being shipped by the various railroads leading to the East. The market continues dull and dragging. The reduction in freights Beems to have made no change in the stagnant aspect which the trade has worn during the past two or three months, in consequence principally of the declining tendency in the BY GILBERT. SAMPSON WAKNBH Gknebal Auctions sua, 58 Lake bu an En Ins adapted, if cheap.

POULTRY Live Chickens, $1.503.00 doz pi-paa( at Box The roads In the interior are almost impassable and farmers End it difficult to bring anything to The following tables show the receipts and shipments of leading articles of trade and commerce In this city during the past week, and since the 1st of January, with comparative statistics BKCEXPT8 OT USADWO ARTICXBS AT CHICAQ DCRISS THE WEEK XKDQia MARCH 29. Weekend's Since Jan. 1, Same TO RENT From the first of May, that centrally located House, known as the Bio Grande Hotel, on LasAile street near Lake. It is wall arranged for boar Jets or public custom generally. Apply to JAMES LEONARD, Lumber Dealer, Canal street.

Live Turkeys, 6c transcnDca. Senator Grimes introduced a bill which had leen informally considered by the District BEEF CATTLE Supply light and market firm, $15,000 Wrtl of Furniture, AT AUCTION. WITHOUT UESEBYK FOB. CASH, sear an nureu siree. WANTED.

A thorough-going bnslneee Kan Is wanted to tafce an intareftt la one of tae best and most popular exhibitions ta tha country. Ko one need apply wbo cannot command from CX0 to $2, OA Addrese, lor ona weelr, R. vy. the with light sales at for medium, and for good shipping. UNITED STATES 7 Jjrn i JtlEXICO.

v.JU Committee, requiring that in the District of Commencing THUBSDAT, April 17th at Clock, HOGS There is a good snipping demand for TO RENT. The Fine Residence S07 Chlcaeo Avenue, near Wolcott street, with good barn attached. Apply oo the THE ENTIRE BTOCK OF Hogs at $3 758.16. To-DAT 350 were sold av. 330 April 13.

it. time 1301. 14,070 282,866 816,590 67,508 1,666,068 1,647,300 Smith Hawley, Ko. 175 Lake street. 8 at $3.16.

Stock Hogs are In demand at $2.59. 7ANTED. A Partner in a Man- nfaetnrln? TinalnMa which la unlimited. A 1,453,177 2,550,021 SUNDRIES The followine table shows tha SALE Cottage No. 298 AnestocKConsunsoi PAKLOB FUBNITtTBB Tete-a-Tetea.

Easy, Parlor dosing quotations or the articles named: JL North Franklin street; cheap for cash. Ala practical man, with or to use la the Dual- nca, can realize a bundred percent Address "Mjf rFACTi EEs," Box Chicago. apl4-p3S4-3t TlrM-a. tintrjV nr lioht UTnnflS VftOQ. Alcohol, gal.

4042c 16,098 6,647 12,186 91,140 8,174 and KocklPg Chairs, Mirble Top Tables ana Stands, Laoies' Work Table. Bo I'm, Kecentton Cbatra, Hall Stands, Book Cases and Secretaries Side and Corner Whatnots, Card and Centre Tables, Fancy Stands. Hops-Wisconsin 1530c Iboh Bar Flour, brls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu OatB, bu Rye, Barley, Seeds, Potatoes, bu Beef, brls. Pork, brls Cut Meats, Tard.lbs quire for.

or address Aijbsox," Freight Omce Hit sols Central Bailroad. ap8-plBi lw i 815cj Chiesk N. Y. Colombia, in addition to requirements, that voters challenged on the ground of disloyalty, must take the oath of allegiance. Senator McDougal made a long and earnest flea for the release of General Stone from prfcon.

The hill regulating the franking privilege was laid on the table in the House. The bill reorganizing the Medical Department as finally adopted, limits the act to the continuance of the war. Volunteer surgeons are eligible for ape ointment and promotion under this isrl9C Sp. Plow T7 ANTED. An experienced Book Keeper, with pood city references, wishes to employment.

Would make himself generally use-ul. Balarv to suit the times 7JM per week. Addrecs BXDSOOX jtTRNITVIE -X41CQ u.iiJirt:, ouiia, and without marble tops. In Oak, Miihogsny, Walnut -and Koeewood, Marble- fop and rlalu Dressing Burenua and artistanda, French and Cottage Bedsteads. Toilet Har- Hamburgh.

99JC We8t.Res've.7X8X! Illinois 6a7c TO REN T. The Residence 404. Erie street, is for rent to a prompt paying tenant. The bouse is handsomely situated, contains Urge, lofty rooms. Is supolied with gas and water.

Apply to ETJMSET, BEO. CO. aplO-p2J51m 807 861,428 8,698,183 VVox 8, Chicago r.O. apU-pifil-lw Coal Lehigh. xaDies, warorooes, lowi ttacas.

uouuRtw, Dininxoom and two seat Leaf Tables, Oak Dining Chairs. Plain and Klch Carved alnut and Oak Sideboards, with Marble 1 opt, i ancy Tea Tables. Also, a large assortment of nessoakflD JQC do hemlock. 36c Collar foot 1516c Upper 1718c Bridle 81i32c Line 30(S31c i Bcrauionegg. n.oo 1 8.00 ANTED.

A Boy to take care 1 of a cow and do chores an'l make himself generally useful about the bouse. Apply at 1ft State street, between 12 and 1 o'clock, to-day 27,445 15.86 1,183 2,888 163,235 I allow, ss Live Hogs, no Dressed Hogs, Beef Cattle, Hides, COMXOX BS1TI KE, viz: v-nerry auu ol- nut Bedsteads. Tables and Stands, One Seat and BacK Bockers, Sewing do, C. S. cnalrs.

Cribs, Washstanda' Bureaus, Mirrors. 0. Also, a good assortment of me o.w MiueralBidge 6.00 J- 6.00 Briar 6.00 ML The Surgeon General has the rank of XtTANTED Book-KeeDershin bv BrLradier. i a mlddle-aered man and practical bookkeeper. wool, Lumber, Shingles, no, 8.00 3.

60 DUDGS AMD DVXS UrrlCM rVBBITUBJS, vi pnnu wtajiB, Chairs, Upholstered Arm Chairs. Tables, te Also, a quantity of K. D. Furniture. 610 1,167,000 8,640,000 6.6bb 133,484 99,525 165,759 3,251,669 41,801 677 29,922 7.162,136 4,296,894 134,639 85,227 144,014 87,620 8,291,722 5,910 7,598,250 8,650,000 287,000 818,070 67,200 60,000 11,164 817,774 -v 1,968 499,697 3,683,038 9,830 190,890 3,206,635 675,766 8,037 TO RENT.

The Store Northwest corner of take and Halsted streets, very suitable for Drag, Dry Goods or Boot and Shoe store, with floor over same foriamily, if required. Alsostore on Cacal wood buildiBg south from eor. Bandolpb will rent low. Lumber Yard to rent at the foot of Canal street, near the Bailroad Lumber Depot, ith soo6 Improvements, 150 feet front on the river, for tM per year. A1m.

large boarding house or rooms and stores in three-story wood building coroerof WeTisand Monroe streets. Apply to WILLI AM3 HOOGH IELING, 210J4 South Water st, adjoining Wells st Bridge, Major General E. D. Morgan was confirmed 168.837 291.637 1.871,655 14,441 49: 94,603 8,618,284 12,878,799 818,921 163.712 171.725 50,910 3,352,372 51.347 8,787,500 4,822,000 20,000 467,000 22,300 in 864,000 705 23,154 679 690,062 626,103 1,290 55,875 1,218,229 1,596,735 8,910 of several years i esiuence in the city, with tha most respectable reference. Address Post Onica Domes Calfc.

7585c Domes. Kip. 45Qtj5c French Fr.Kiph'vy. to '7595c i Spanish Sole hemlock. S326c Good damgd.

4 80c Important State Correspondence. Wasbikotow, April 15. The President today in response to a resolution of the House, transmitted voluminous documents embracing all the correspondence which has taken place since June last relative to the aflkira of Mexico. From a hasty glance at their contents it appears that on the 3d of that month Mr. Seward, Li writing to Mr.

Corwin, informed him that from intelligence wearing an air of authenticity, a design exists on the part of the insurgents of this country to gain possession of Lower California, and that the President expects him to exercise his best judgment, not only to thwart the prevent rebel armed vessels from finding shelter In Mexican ports, and from carrying arms through the territory of that Republic. The defense of the Mexican sovereignty is urged upon the attention of that Government, and the declaration made that the United States does not desire to acquire any part of Mexico. On the 9th of June Mr. Corwin informs Mr. Seward that it had been his constant endeavor since his arrival at the city of Mexico to possess the Mexican mind of the true cause of our difficulties, and thus enable them to estimate the danger which would result from any unfavorable termination of them.

He was quite sure that while the Mexican Government would endeavor to preserve peaceful relations with all European powers on fair terms, it regarded the Lnited Slates as its true and only reliable friend in any struggle which might involve its national Toward the close of July Mr. Corwin, in the cons ee of his dispatch, incidentally remarked to-day. Eleven negative votes were -cast. BoxlWO. ap.0p224-iw purcnasers irom tne country cau iihyo wc fwo, packed and shipped.

The above goods can be ex aailned any time previous to the sale. There were a good many absentees. Seven By a young man of 1 active business habila. a sltnardon In a whole of the negatives were Republicans. apl0-p237-lw Aucaoneer.

Aloes, 3... 66c Alum SHHC Ami at to 88c Arsenic 6c Arr'w lift. Jam 2025c do Ber. BaL 76c leading markets of Europe and the East. Spring al a The Senate confirmed Brigadier Generals oak 8980c sale Groctry, Commission or Bailroad House, as general or out-door Clerk.

He willing to devote tha extras have been sold only at a depreciation of GILBEKT.SAIIPSON do wnole oi tin time to tne interest or nu employers, n- Carl Schurx. Eight nays one Republican. 15c 20c below the usual prices at which they have been held except in cases where particular brands iatn, no Timber, Posts, Pickets, no Wood, cds Staves, no Salt, brls Highwines, Fish, Bntter, Bs Dried Fruit, Apples, brls Broom Corn, Em. Mill Stuffs, B3 Lead, lbs Coal, exceptionable references given. Salary not so much of rniQhlftrtKH permanent Ritnatlon.

Aline addrvased Colonels YanAllen, of New York, N. B. Bu MARBLL STATUAK 16,500 476,000 785 159 10,183 31,655 149 2,080 85,462 101,065 200 fiUTS tucko- ry B0T5c Chesnats 3.50(3.00 Almonds, eft TO RENT. Residence to Rent on the North Bide, near the City limits, with half an aire under state of cultivation. The house 1b nicely arranged, and has many conveniences.

The horse cars pass by the door. The garden ia la good order, and has strawberries, raspberries, asparagus and other desirable plants growing In It nnely. It will be to D. Post Ofhoa Box 96, will receive prompt at- have been ordered to supply an established trade Iilch French China. He-ivy Bllver-Platsd Ware and BaLTolu 1.10 Bi-carb Soda 6X7c 30c Borax 25c lenxiua iio i.

i-i ford, of Illinois, "Wm. S. Smith, of Ohio, Charles Devon of Massachusetts, Nathan jouemian taaa, AT AUCTION. We will sell, commenctnir on WEDNESDAY A. "IXTANTED.

-Parties Good brands have sold at $3.703.80, and choice at Several lots of leading brands have changed hands at $4.254.40 but the demand for Camphor 1.00 Kimball, of Indianna, Benjamin Alvord, Pay Apply to 8. rentes 10 a gooa tenant lor uiree yenn. YY honsekeeninf and bavin? Household Furniture p2ol-3w H. KEKFOOT A CO. Masonic Temple.

apiu to dispose of. can hear of a cash purchaser by address Copperas Am- 2gi3c Cream Tartar 45c Cubebs 75c such grades is exceedingly limited. Winter master in the Army; Captains George L. Hortsufll Adjutant General's office, Kufua ing rost omcenoxuw. mitg-no-iin shell lb.

15t8c do hard sheU 1012Ve 10c Brazil He Eng.Walnts.'ll13Xc Naples 15c Namjs 8.00 8d. 8.25 6d 8.50 Davis, 813 Harris, 816; Powell, 816; Bate ham, 816. Fibst Ward, 2nd District Holden 237; Sherman St Buell 227 Meech S17 Rice 240 Catting S06 Raber 292 Mehring 15i Wilson 843 McDer. mott 204 Edwards 243 Davis 201 Chilson 239 Shank 14; Harris 446; Powell 446; Batehatn 446. Majority in the Ward for Holden 213.

Sbcojto Ward District Holden, 449; Sherman, 604; MeechMSg; Catting, 476; McDermott, 472 Shimp, 478 Hayes, 400 Mehring, 4iW Bnell, 439; Rice 465; Raber, 4oi; Wilson, 472; Heartt, 857; Bogne, 543. Second Ward 2nd District Holden, 999 Sherman, 388; Bnell, 295; Meech, Rice, 305; Cutting, 866 Raber, 839; Mehring, 858 Wilson, 801 McDermott, 494; Heartt, 295; Solmp, 402; Gas-trich, 80, Sherman's majority, 144. ThibdWabd 1st District. Holden, 410; Sherman, 613; Bnell, 443; Meech, 496: Rice, 435; 601; Raber, 444; Mehrimr, 492; Wilson, 413; McDermott, 493; Haaf, 393; Halm, 535. Thtbd Ward id Preeinct Sherman, 90T; Holden, 66; Meech, 209: Cutting, 205; Mehring, 70; McDemott, 209; Hahn, 209; Voltnef, 207; Buell, 64; Raber.

193; Rice, 56; Wilson, 65; Baldwin, 66: Harris, 211, Powell, 212; Bateham, 812. Majority in Ward for Sherman. 255. Focbth Vf AMD 1st Distrsct Holdon, 178; Bnell, 196: Rice, 190; Raber, 195 Boorman, 19i Chllieote 913 Sherman, 853 Nench, 842 Catting, 852 Mehring, 844 McDermot, 845; Schall, 311. Fourth Wabd 2d District.

Sherman, 104; Holden. 77: Bnell, 86; Meuch, 100; Rice, 86; Cutting, 100; Raber, 169: Mehring, 17; Wilson, 88; McDermott, 100. Majority in the Ward for Sherman of 202. Fifth Ward, 1st District. Sherman 529 Holden 688; Meech 506; Buell 715; Catting 504; Rice" 713; Mehring 620; Raber 687; McDermott Wilson 717; Cheney 651; Groves 671; White 464; Carthew 745 Fifth Wabd id District Holden, "SOI Sherman, 131; Meech, 131: Rice, 198; Cutting, 132: Raber, 193 Mehring, 133; Wilaon, 199 McDermott, 131.

Aldermen Groves, 191 Cheeny, 137; Carthew, 193; White, 128; Harris, 831; Powell, 331; Bateham, 829. Holden'a majority, 844. Sixth Wabd 1st DUtrict. 417; Sherman, 343; Buell, 434; Meech, 336; Rice, 423; Catting, 842; Raber, 398; Mehring, 865; Wilson, 423; McDermott, 838; Brown, 421; McGnlnneas, 271; Van Holler, 75; Schoenewald, 8S5; Herbert, 876; Fire Department, 773. Sixth Wabd 2d District Holden, 814; Sherman, 875.

Majority in the ward for Sherman. 61. Sixth Ward 3d DiHrict, Holden, 176; Sherman, 65 Bnell, 180 Meech, 61; Rice, 179; Catting, 50; Raber, 175; Mehring, 55; Wilson, 180; McDermott, 60; Brown, 120; McGninness, 46; Van Holleo, 64; Schoenewald, 122; Herbert, 99; TSKI'OON. Aprti lfitn. at iln o'cloclt, AT 54 DE1RBOBN STREET, A superb collection of Italian Marble Statuary, Vasts.

China, Silver-Plated and Bohemian Glassware. The stock ccmpristB Italian Marble Figures, viz: The Bavtor; Innocence, Beggar, Madonna, Astronomy, Wheat brands are also dull and drooping the TO RENT, AT T.ASK FOREST. SHIP MINTS I.SADINO ARTICLES AT CHICAGO DC-SmS TBS WEEK BXTDOta AFBIL 12. 1862. Saxton, Mossamdo Perry, of Bhode Island, 35c Shellac.

75C Trae flake 90c very best selling at Superfine Flour W7ANTED At 169 Dearborn TT opposite the new Office, A new Dwelling House, containing thirteen rooms, situated in a pleasant grove. Address KOSSITKrt, Week end'g Since Jan. Same time is In fair demand at with occasional Anril 12. 44c 1.1862. 1861.

Agent for J. Loonue, Lagc oraa, iu. apa-pn-w Situations for llomestie ueip. No pirl sent from the office nnleaB able to furnish sat sales of choice at Rye Flour is quiet 44 8.75 Flour, 3d 4.35 and steady. Mill Stuffs are still scarce, in conse Isrfactorv reference from former emolorer.

Par Jea can rpO RENT AND FOR SALE, ODTaiDsaire ov anpijiiigas soove or aauressinK enu quence of the continued stoppage of the city mills. Was confirmed Consul to Turin. Gen. Mitchell, who took Huntsville, was nominated to-day as Major General. A Message concerning Mexican afi-drs was rent to the Senate.

rich debate took place in the Senate bet wen "Wade and McDougalL The latter attacked jj. isAJLci-fim irosz urnce jox 13,478 103,697 14,009 443 13,851 ....118,895 160,561 156,214 44,610 80,900 1,811 56,883 1,917,571 PIANOS AND BEEIjOIHEONS. To-Dat the market was dull and depressed Naval Storbs Spirits turpentine Tar Pitch 1.40 10.00 8.00 Iodine 3.60a4.00 Iodide potas.3.003.25 2.50 Juniper 7c Oil. .1.651.75 Opium. 6865c Sal Soda 8X3XC Vitriol 12ai4c Allowance made for hire if purchased.

All kinds of Prajer. Magdalen, Minerva and others. A variety of Pure White Italian Statuettes. Vases, Card Receivers, Taa-Tas, groups of Animals, Ac. Also A great varle.

ty of Bohemian Glassware, unusually attractive. Tha Invoice of Bllver-Plated Ware eonritta of a fine assortment of useful articles, all of which are of the best quality and heavy plate. Tbe Invoice of China era. braces Dinner Setts ot the finest quality broad band, containing 155 pieces each. Also, Tea Setts to match.

Together with a variety of other articles, all of Wkich are of the very test quality of Fbkhoh The above sale commences Wedneoday, April 16th, at 2j P. and will be continued at 7H in the even, lng. Also, Thursday evenine April 17th, at 7p'cloclE. GLLBtKT, BAMPaON WAR PTE p9-pJlHw Auctioneers. WANTED Secuiity Fire Insuri ance Company's Scrip at Ko.

148 South Water 8.00 Sales were 100 bbls very good Spring extra at 1,000 bblB do (a straight lot) at $3.70 160 bbls Spring superfine at 100 bbls unsound Instruments repaired. Tuning promptly attended to, WM. E. PKoSSfiR, 130 Clark street. Street.

Lapv-nio-imj jcu. Rosin 7.D012.OO Manila Rope. 12XC 87,895 1,773 7.464 rpO RENT. The four story and Spring super at 66 bbls low grade Winter 192,518 WANTED Hoflman Gelpeke's Uotes seenred, on the corner of Bandolh Fues Otter, .2.504.00 ..1.356.067 29.472,838 Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, bu Barley, bu Seeds, Potatoes, Beef, brls. Pork, brls Cut Meats, lbs Lard, Tallow, lbs.

Live Hogs, Dreesedllogs, Cattle, no Hides, Wool, Lumber, ft Shingles, extra at 40 bbls Winter super at $3.25. I basem*nt brick store No. 20 and 23 Market street, in the north half of Linda Block. Apply to F.GEDDEi, aim jearoorn streeia. ajbu, ii.

y. a secoau tui uv The following table shows the closing prices of 830,741 897,994 313,878 42,836 1,156 86,638 3,142,900 123,546 5,200 19,765,623 484,304 83,871 58.584 25,581 3,031,220 1,700 83,041,353 15,566,304 8,440,650 8,675 64,730 32,423 ..2,629,571 20,373,200 ...193,891 2,367,494 umce bo. over neussizeet. i 14c 89c 25aSc 70c debtedneoe wanted. Call at SO Dearborn street.

apl-n956-lxn 98,144 i 3,635 nrO RENT. Houses to rent and 4 6.00 Slink 1.0U1.76 Martin, com. 1.50 1 Martin, dark and Beaver, pri'e. .601.00 Deer skins.gray 12S20c e30c 30c ANTE Two Hnudred 60,490 17,848 3,416,352 1,753 121,087 4 .65 4.00 Agents. Agents wanted In every town or the Siates to sell J.

Kohler's aew Imnroved 86,404 8 70 JL Lands to Lease. A larga boarding house, eon-tainisg about thirty rooms, on Lake shore, near tae Illinois Central Eoand House also, several other houses desirvbly located. Afro, lands to lease for a term of years, situated on Michigan and Wabash Avenues, fetate and Ciaik streets Apply at No. 12 State street, 65c 75c 1.80 7Xe for Cutting Ladies' Dresses, Boys' Clothing, Shlrr c. jLarrea uemp Rope Oakum, TJ.

S. Navy Oils Keros'ne Coal Oils No. 1 Lard Oil No. 3 Whale- Sperm Saleratus, Babbitt's best. Saleratus, Bab-bitt'spure.

Soap.Babbitt's SirmTS Cam- pbene Burning Fl'd all grades of flour: White Winter Red do do Spring Extras, good to choice, do do Rye flonr Superfine Middlings, per Bran and Cora il eal, bolted do do Unbolted 1,808,750 21,042,000 3 .65 a 8.25 4.25 8.70 i 8 60 8 60 2.50 .13 00 8.00 10.00 8.00 Red 8.84,0 Secured by copyright. Agents making from to Ser day. For particulars inquire at J. KOHLKIi'd ftlce. No.

6 Metropolitan Block, or address P. O. Box 18.00 10.00 up stairs. Between the noura oi iu a m. anas si.

apS-pl75-lm B.F.BROOKF1ELD, 195,500 6,639 8dd2, enclosing three cent postage, stamp, Chicago, llu 1075c 61S Wild I- 1530 Praiiie 25a65 4811.00 RENT CHEAP. The second 9.00 TO 8C and third stnties of mv Warehouse, with docs an TTtrANTED! WANTED 1 1 At WHEAT Received to-day, 6,046 bu; received Timber 6000 room, on et Water street, foot of Washington street that Jburope is quite willing to see us film-bled, and will not foil to take advantage of our embarrassments to execute purposes of which she would not have dreamed had we remained at peace. This was said with reference to the joint intervention of England, France and Spain in the affairs of Mexico. Mr. Seward, writing to Mr.

Corwin, on the 2d day of September, assures him that the President greatly desired that the political status of Mexico, as an independent nation, should be permanently maintained, and in December, after speaking of the joint intervention, informs him that the Government cannot consent to his returning from Mexico, as desired. It is known that Mr. Corwin negotiated a treaty with Mexico, but the Senate rejected it on the ground that it was not advisable to assume, as was proposed, any portion of the principal or interest of the debt of Mexico, or which would require the concurrence of the European Powers. In communicating this result to Mr. Corwin, Mr.

Seward says, April 3d: Under these circ*mstances, the President is unable to sug- est to you any other mode for contributing the deliverance of our sister republic from the embarrassments by which she is surrounded, which will be acceptable to the Senate. Meanwhile, I desire to direct your most earnest attention to the necessity of guarding sgainst any such pledge of the resources of Mexico to foreign powers as might afiect our cause injuriously, or impair the ability of the people of Mexico to sustain the free government established by their own choice. You will not leave the Government of Mexico in doubt for a moment that the Government of the U. States is not indifferent to the perils by which they are menaced. Opossum 152UC last week, 67,608 bu, against 48,485 the week previ 294,095 16,593 20.955 1.40 65c trAL-EK JSAbTMAN apt-piaa-iw IT MBS.

BATES' AGENCY OFFICE, 171 Washington street, near LasaHe, Hors N.York S325c ous; ehipped last week, 101,597 bu. The down 8,025,750 24,000 41,664 6,000 85 1,237,350 8,850 15,422 i 611 872,783 850,184 1,263 467.729 79,892 1,081,760 8,829 una, no Timber, ft Posts, no. Pickets, Wood, cds Staves, Salt, brls Highwines, brls. Fit-h, pkgs Butter, lbs Dried Apples, brls Broom Corn, Millstnfls, lbs Lead, lbs Coal, tons 3,725 ward tendency in Wheat continues, and we have 836,716 Situations for GOOD BELIABLE HELP. Mrs.

Bates presumes, from past years of acquaintance witti the ladies ot Chicago, to ba able to provide them with suitable Servants. Orders from the country punctually at- MARKETS BY TE1EGB1PH. TO RENT. Honse No. 234 Ontari Street Bent 400 per annum.

Inquire of E. W. GBIFFIN. next door, corner Dearborn street, from 1 to 2 p. or at No.

5 Pomeroy 'a Building, South Water to note a decline on the week of 2X3c per bush 62,250 8,213 878 27 4,917 30,894 182 84,747 4,960 123,631 146 2,209 613,186 74.255 el. The discouraging news from Europe, as well as the dun aspect of leading markets in the East, ceuaeu to. ihh, Km, jau WAV NEW YOEK. AprU IS. Flops Market dull.

street. l'n t'-ym has rendered the market here almost perfectly life ANTE EES A i ire Department, 30. enerman majority, lea. Seventh Ward, 1H District. Sherman 701; Holden 446: Meech 667; Baell Catting 690; Rice 455 Mehring 688 Raber 458 McDermott 693; Wilson 457; Conlan676: Shipman 459; Cunningham 694; Declerk 115; Webersky, 15.

Sevehth Ward, District Holden 484; Sherman 883 Bnell 518 Meech 367 Rice 518 Catting 867 Raber 621 Mehring 862 Wilson 519 McDermott 367 Shipman 543 Conlan 333 Cunningham 847. Sherman's majority 154. Eighth Ward Sherman, 530; Holden, 872; Meech, 484; Buell, 423; CuttiDg, 488; Rice, 423; Mehring, 503: Raber, 405; McDermott, 484; Wilson, 426; Woodman 577; Sanderson, 825 Tanni-eliffe 691, Mnrray 396, Majority in the Ward for 889,184 2,399 less. Btanton for his. conduct towards Gen.

Stone, jLnd also the conduct of the War Committee, on various grounds. Wade obliged McDort-gal to eat some of his words. Wade said there was probably a cause for Stone's arrest more than that he could not say without betraying secrets. The Committee thought the necessities of the times authorized the Government to step out of the beaten path of peace. The speech is much praised by the ii carers, and is a strong defense of the Committee on the conduct of the war.

Secretary Smith, of the Interior Department, in reply to a resolution in the Senate, states that he has made cont racts for furnishing Indian supplies Without previous advertising, and states that the law does sot require such advertisem*nt, but those who have examined the question say the Secretary mistaken, and that laws do require the advertisem*nt of all contracts made by the Interior Department. The House has ordered an Inquiry into the matter. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations agreed this morning to report the new slave trade treaty with Great Britain to the Senate. A deputation from the Committee on the Conduct of the War, will go down to Manas-Eos and Bull Run on Thursday, to see the rebel atrocities with their own eyes, and will report touching them next week. General Sherman was examined all day to-flay.

General Hooker has issued a new order to Ids Division commanding officers to take no slaves with them, whether of disloyal or loyal masters. Some officers who are employing heavy and 5e lower. Sales were, 8,800 brrls at J4.655.!0 for super state 5.005.05 for extra State, sales reported at 4.8)4.90 for super western; $5.155.20 for common to medium extra western $5.305.45 for shipping brands extra round hooD Ohio, and 5.55(u8.75 for TO LET. Brick House to let-in the Three Story Block on Ontario street, between Pine and St. Clair sta, in good repir.

Possession given May 1st. Apply to B. KOKTOS. 24. KiTerat.

BBCBIPT8 FOB LAST TWEHTT-rOUB HOTJBS. To-bay the market was quiet at yesterday's decline, Closing very heavy after the receipt of the In large or small quantities, TO FILL AH ORDEB. KINO OWltNB, Commission Merchants, mhB No. 11 La Salle street. apt p51-zw Flour Wheat Corn Oats Rye.

Bar. brls. bu. bu. bu.

bo. bu. New York dispatches. Sales were 5,000 bu No. trede brands.

Market closing unsettled and declining. Canadian flour heavy and lower. Sales 1,8" 0 brls at $4 905.10 for spring $5.156 50 for 1 Spring In store at 73c 4c storage 1,600 bu fresh TO RENT. Furnished Dwelling House, 879 Wabash avenue, containing eleven rooms, closets, bath, A good stable attached. Ap- JgT GILBERT.SAMPSON WARNER IFurniture of The Richmond House AT AUCTION.

We WBl sell on WETVfrESDAY, Aprt! 16th, at 9t o'clock, A. at the Richmond Bouse, in Cnlcago, the entireinrolture of said House. Tbe sale embraces a great variety. A small portion only of which can be enurneratedln tills advertiEement. It consists of a large amount of parlor furniture, such as parlor letta, easy chairs, sofas, marble top tablet, chambersetta, In great variety, including the splendid carved sett In the Bridal Chamber, splendid illt frame French plate mirrors, of several modern styles, including crown top frames.

Also, brnagela, velvet and ingrain carpets, stair do, lialr, cotton, aad husk mattrassea, feather pillows, -beding, Including a large number of wool blankets, Aleo a large lumber of good black walnut common bedsteads and cane seat chairs. Alio, all the Crockery, Glass and Silver Plated Ware. Dining room ftrrnltnre con sifting of splendid dining tables In blach walnut, arm oak dining chairs. At so, a very extensive and complete steam apparatus for keeping meats warm. Also, the entire gas fixtures, embracin some very extensive and elaborate chanda-llera with shades.

Also, magnificent lace aud damaslc curtains, with cornices, sale, counter, la the offlce together with an, Immense Amount of Goods Which cannot here he specified. The above stie offers, arties who are in want of household goods for fura-hlne houses or hotels, such an opportunity as does not often occur. Also, cne very eleeant French China Dinner BeW, cost in New Torlc. and only used for the Prince of Wales while In Chicago. A Iso, ob Portable Engine and Boiler of 8or 18 horse power, with force pumps attached and all In good order.

Also, one Herring's Safe, rather more than medium siEe. Also, one large and valuable Regulator Time Piece, made by H. gperry Co New York. Sale Positive-Terms Cash; GILBERT, SAMPSON WARNER, apTpl52-td Auctioneer AUCTION SALES AT WHOLESALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Tuesday and Thursday, By GORE, WlLLSON 54 Lake arrest Bee advenisenuntin Wholesalecoluinn.apU-piW Ira 125 821 X17ANTED. Purchssers for fif- receipts do at 75o 2c storage; 8,000 bu No.

8 300 1200 teen NO. 4 WHEELEB WILSON Sewlnar Ma Spring in store at 69XC 4c storage 6,000 bu do at ner Dlsrs ana soutn water sts. apa-p-im 5 831 600 610 622 3 15702 2459 821 850 920 1220 716 3317 1060 Canal RIH CB winter extra. Kye Hour quiet ana steady at 4.55. Corn meal steady with sales of 200 brls Jersey.

Whisky Firmer. Sales 800 brls at 23c for State, and 24c for western. 69c 4c storage; 6,000 bu do at 68X0 4c storage 450 203 chines, the best for family use, nearly new, and tn per-feet order. A good machine will save its cost In six months. GILBERT, Shin Chandlers and Sail Makers, 207 South Water cor.

Wells. 345 1,000 bu do at 71Xo 3c storage. Grain Wheat Dull and favors buyers, with CORN Received to-day, 19,009 bu; received last TO BENT Several very- desirable Dwelling Houses- situated on the east aids ot Korth LasaHe street, between Chicago avenue and Chestnut street. Each house containing nine rooms, with eas, water and dry cellar. Possession glven immediately.

Inquire of PUBISGTON SCRANTGN, week, 190,531 bu, against 175,982 bu the weekpre-: 2070 6046190G9) 870 3153 limitea transactions, sales, ons red state at 5,000 bn mixed state spring and winter at $1.26. and 12.300 ba winter red western at ANTE Employment foi American. English, Irish. Scotch. German and vious Ehipped last week, 14,009 bu.

The market during the week has been dull aud neglected, $1.86 del. Eye quite firm. Sales, 12,500 bu at; 79 217 South Water street. Seeds La'd LBTgs ITgs Cattle Hides lbs. B8.

No. No. No. Tb. G4CURR51C0 120 4 1580 colored servants, with good city references, at tht Philadelphia Intellieence Office.

No. 160 South Clark without any very material change In prices. A de onermanviaa. Kinth Ward. Sherman, 420; Holden, 241; Meech, 407; Bnel, 266; Cutting, 416; Mehring, 423; Raber, 243; McDremott, 406, Wilson, 256; Beck with, 227 Clary, 33; KcMahon, 440; Ellis, 233.

Majority in the Ward for Sherman, 179. Tekth Ward. First District Sherman 710; Holden 2i0; Meech 727; Buell 193; Cutting 725; Rice 192; Mehring 719: Raber 159; McDermott 725 Wilson 193 Bherridan 5S4; Young 189 White 127; Fleming 716; Adco*ck 200. TiNTH Ward 2nd District Sherman, 430: Meech 419; Cutting 430; Mehring 424; McDermott 428; Sheridtn W0-, Fleming 413; Fire Department Holden S98; Buell 311. Rice 300; Raber S0J; Wil son 303; Young 814; Adco*ck 298; Fire Department 10th Ward 8d District.

Holden, 3fi9; Sherman, 2S9 Buell, 201 Meech, 240: Rice. 201 Cat. afloat ana aei. parley scarce aaa firm, sales, 450 bus Canadian eastern at 68c, and 8,000 bu choice Canadian western at tl 00. Com dull.

street, between Moorca and Madison street'. Coun 12200 120 63 TO RENT DweHlncr House No, cline of Sc bushel In freights, however.has caused an improved demand at the close, with a brisker try oruers punctually attenaea to. jrost umra boi ikxi. alba. u.

J. matiienaaBce. aeo-aoa-iY heavy and lc lower. bu at 53c for mixed western in store, 59c delivered; 5859c for Jersey yellow; 6960c for southern yellow. Oats dull at JL 5 Harrison Terrace, corner of Hartlson and Third Avenue.

Kent $400 per annum. 7730 80 5130 606E6 3 9897 915 12049 52 10 3 market, THE CITY. 15?" Mr. Neafie takes a benefit to-night at McVickers Theatre, the bill being "Jack Cade" and "Black Eyed Susan," in both of which the beneficiary will appear. Nueses.

The Board of Ladies of the Sani IilCRR Dwelling Houje Jio. 71 Wabash Avenue, second UUKSIS AN LMiU. Any one Todat the market was brisk and prices tuled a Jersey, Canadian, westAa and state. Bent t50i ner annum. a X.

havine for sale cheap a strong, sound, familv Sales 5.000 bu lrgmia oats at 87a33c. House No 63 Wabash Avenue, corner Ran horse, good under saddle or in harness, can hear of a f-. nnnhuj hv OitdrAfialnff KA T. I at tl.i. shade better than yesterday.

Sales were as followed Old River High Mixed (nearly Yellow) at 86c afloat; 10.OC0 Old River Mixed at Total. 6015 80586 893 16 86- 33651 apiaro dolph street. Keiit fWO per annum. Also, several dwellings on State street between Taylor and Twelfth street, and on West Jankson street between South Canal and Clinton streets. Apply to JOHN WOOLNLK.

212 South Water street foot of Fianklin street, In Mr. King's offlce. aplS-pSOASt A GENTS WANTED. Profitable XX. Employment, (83.

net profit per gross male by Agents on the new patent Ixpsovkd LNSKkiBLa MninDa Prvht. Agents have retailed from one to Gbockkies. Sugar Haw is dull and unchanged. Sales 190 hhds Cuba at 67c, and 10 hhds Porto Rico at 7c by auction 30 hhds Cnba at 77Kc Molasses in moderate demand at steady prices. Sales 109 hhds Cuba and Muscovado at 10 hhds English Island at 27c.

Pkovisiokb Pork dull, heavv, and a shade lower. Sales 4( 0 brls mess 1010.60 for prime and J12.5013.50 for prime. Mess beef quiet sales of 150 brls at $4.605.50 for eountry prime; country mess; for repackedmess; $1414.50 for extra mesa. Prime mess beef rules steady. Beef hams quiet and un two gross in one day.

Over seventy tbourand sold. Samples sent by mail on receipt of SO cents, or for sam- tary Commission are to meet at the rooms of the Commission, No. 41 Wabash avenue, this morning, to receive applications for situations as army nurses. Italian Marble Sia-tcaky. The sale of statuary, china, and rich glass and silver plated ware, now on exhibition at 54 Dearborn street, will commence this evening at 1 o'clock.

iesotmarKea linen, terms, one stamp. Aaareas RENT New and second-hand PIANOS. 1. p.ijiAJKi, Aoruiampton, aiasa. mmu-nisvisni ting, 240 Raber, 202 Mehring, 239 Wilson, 202 McDermott, 239; Young, 2C4 Sheridan, 219; White 18; Adco*ck, 216; Fleming, 225 Fire Department 441 each.

Majoaity for Sherman in the Ward, 669' The majorities of the opposition ticket foot tip 1,487 for the office of Mayor and the others will not fall far behind. The Re-Republican had majorities in two Wards, amounting to 443. FrKEKAi or Capt. R. D.

Adams. The funeral of the late Captain R. Adams is to S. NICKERS OK, A laree assortment of Pianos and Mel od eons at Wholeaale and retail. Orders from abroad promptly changed.

Cut meats quiet. Sales 100 pkgs at i4 attendee, to rr. r. niraDauu Hps. 222 254 Lake street, cor.

Franklin REGULAR BALES Oii tVTD.TESDAT AXD FRLBAT OF EACH WEEK TmeOTTOHOTJT TRW SSOIf, Of CIO tha, Cassimeres, Sattnetta, Clothing, Hosiery and Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods, Fankee Notions and Jewelrv. In lota adaDted to tha OST. On Water or Dearborn The goods on exhibition are well worthy the time of anyone to go and examine them. FOR RENT OR SALE The five storv Marble Front Store. No.

20 Lake street, 2fx 5c for shoulders 57c for hams. Bacon sides firm. Sales 600 boxes at 6ic for Cumberland cut middles; 7Xc for short ribbed do for long clear. Lard Market Kc lower. Sales 2,186 brla at 7K(7r8 included are small sales of prime kettle at tspic Bntter selling at 8fc for Ohio at 15 80c for state.

Cheese steady at 69c. i Rtreta. three draft, drawn as follow In. oa contrabands, upon lair wages, complain bitterly. Capt.

Glisson of the steamer Mount Vernon stockading off Wilmington, N. C-, reports that on the second instant he chased the schooner Kate of Nassau trying to run the blockade. Her crew, after beaching and setting her on fire, took to the shore in small koala. A boat's crew from the Mount Vernon oourdedher, and threw overboard part of her cargo of salt, and finding she could not be got oflj and none of her cargo could be removed, fired her. The Mount Vernon shelled the woods, whence the rebels had fired with rifles on the boarders.

A new Minister to Spain, from Illinois, is to be nominated to-morrow. The President will to-morrow morning return the bill for emancipation in this District, With his signature. Western M. F. Ins Co.

for 36-25 bv Bock Island 180 feet deep, between Wabaoh and Michigan Avenue, Bank. One on 6. Adams for 13.66. bvC.T. Heald.

Fckeral or Capt. Adams. The funeral of Inquire of A.J. BKOWfl, uiara gi. ai-pa aw Monet Easy at 6 cent, on call.

First class canton. One on 3. Toung Bcatnmon for $18.75. Persons sre cantloned against negotiating same, as payment has been stopped. Finder will please return to 816 South Water street.

country and city retail trade. Liberal cash advances made when required. Cob-Bgnments respectfully solicited. B. HICKERSOH.

Chicago, Aug. 1SL au8'61-l paper scarce and wanted at 5X6 cent. Sterl rfORENT. Brick Stores 48, I 46, 44.42 and 40, with North Clark street Also, No. ISSand 185, Klnzie st all situated under tha roster House, corner of North Clrk and Elnzle sts.

ing exenange ami at, lor merchants, ana 112Vfilll2 for banker's bills. American gold apito-pai-at WAitiun v. vms. SHIPMENTS ET LAKB LAST TWENTY -POTTB HOTJBS. Flour Wheat Corn Oats Rye, Bar.

brls. bu. bu, bu. bu. bu.

To Buffalo 68150 ToOgdensb'h 800 ....10600 To other porta 300 6215C 10600 TTT7 TTTT There was a fair attendance on 'Change to-day, and the leading markets were inactive especially after the receipts of the New Tork dispatches. The demand for Fiour was very light, except at a material concession In prices, and good Spring Extras were sold at $3.703.75. Wheat opened steady, with but a light speculative demand, and sales of No. 1 Spring were made at 73c, and No. 3 Spring at 68V69.Vc Closing dull after the receipt of the New Tork dispatches.

The Corn market was more active and prices ruled a higher with sales of nearly 100,003 bushels, at 25X26c for old Canal and River Mixed afloat, and 24tfc for new Canal and River mixed afloat. Old mixed In store was sold freely at 22f subject to 4c storage. Oats were doll and lower with light sales at subject to 4c storage. Rye was in good demand at 40c 2c storage. Barley was in good demand and firm, with tales at 4056c.

Highwines opened dull, but closed firm with a limited inquiry at 19c, under the news from New Tork. The Provision market was quiet. Mess Pork was dull at $10.50, at which prices 100 brls changed Capt. B. D.

Adams, of the 57th Illinois, who fell at the battle of Pittsburg, will be attended at the Church of the Redeemer (Second Uni-versalist,) corner of Sangamon aud West Washington streets, to-day, at two o'clock this afternoon. active at lfi cent. prem. California gold rosses8ion eiven luaj For terms bddIv to tiKOKGfi F. rOSTBK.

MS South oars nominal at cent. prem. government stocks rather more steady. 6s 1331, Water street. mhl9-n606w LOST On Sunday evening a Lady's Watch, either on Washington street west of Wabash Avenue, or between Trinity Church and 68 Rush street, by way of Wabash Avenue.

The wstch has a white face. The finder will please leave tae watch at Nos. 8 and 5 Methodist Church Block to receive his re 93X98.Ji 7 8-10 Treasury notes steady at par. IO RENT Dwellines, Stores, CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS AT AUCTION By 8. Nickerson.

S24 Lake street, corner Franklin, on Mondat, April 14th, Wbdnbsdav, A pril 16th, Friday, April 18th, black and fancy satinets. Union cloths, casein: eres, brown and bleached sheet-tog, g'nghams, prints, dress goods, muslin shirts, hosiery neck ties, brown aud bleached linens, furnishing goods, Tankee rotiona. jewelry and clothing; also, carpel and oil clotha at private sale. Terms cash. gpll-p24-iw B.

MCKEBBON. Auctioneer. take place at the Church of the Redeemer, (Second Universalist), corner of Sangamon and "Washington streets, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Adams was Captain of company the color company of the 57th Illinois regiment.

He was wounded during the great battle at Pittsburg Landing, Sunday, April 6th. He was struck in the thigh by two balls which Bevcred one of ttie arteries. Six men assisted in carrying him off the field, all of whom were wounded while performing the kindly-deed. A fatal result was not anticipated at first, but the loss of blood, and the shock occasioned by the amputation of his limb, was too much even for his strong constitution, and in about stocks active ana Deiter. so i 1 OC.

a 1 -iO. O. Sr. JL Offlcca and Basem*nt. Alo.

Lots In all parts of Vacation. The pupils of the public schools the city. WM. SAMPSON, Bouse and Land Agent, ward. api5-pfi3t mh27-nSie tMyl'Sl ftoeni iso.

a Metropolitan jiau. A REWARD. Lost a roil of 9J Notes, either on Michliran Avenna TO RENT. Warehouse to Rent with Lot 80 feet front on River, close to Clark THE PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Chi Ills scrip 61 Pan 122; Hart 12 NYC 62 Pac Mail 18 American Gold, 101 W2d bonds 49: TJ 6s '81 conpons98i-; US 6s 81 reg'd 98; TJ 6s 1 year certificates 97Jf Tern 6e 55 Va 6s 57; Mo 6s 49 Chi 11 Island bonds 100.

ILLINOIS ANB MICHIGAN CANAL. M. A. BUTTERS CO, of this city are now enjoying their spring vacation. The schools re-open a week from next Monday.

Meantime we hope they may have a little more sunshine than the past week has afforded qs. street image, JNortn biae. vvaiiijms no'oai Dearborn strt et. mh 4-n503-im north of Lake street, or oh tbe north sld of Lake 6t between the Avenue and Clark, or on Clark street ta Kandolnh. containing 14 Twenty and 18 Fire Dollar Bills.

Tee finder will receive the above reward CESKB1L AUCTIONEERS, Wasbikbtos, AprU 15, 186S. 6EXATE. Mr. WILKINSON of Minn. Presented a pe IO RENT Two first class Resi- Jl dences, Nos.

S36 and SS8 Indiana street, with an by leavineit either at tnts omce or at tne swear store, corner of Randolph and Clark streets. apl5-p371-2t Office, Ko. 44 Salesrooms, Nos. 46, 48 A 50 Dearborn at, oppeslte Tremoat House, Cnlcago, lit mh22nfiK3-lv ATmiTED.r..i.;Aprill4. QTRAYED From the Premises of modern improvements, etc-etc, ana jsncK otaoies attached.

Inquire of C. C. CLARKB, between 8 and 9 A. M. and 4 and P.

at the office of Waite Town, 108 Washington street. mU89-nT8-8w April 11th, a bright bay Poney. with his mane cut short. Any person that may have taken htm up thEft will retura Campbell, La Salle, 5 000 bu corn. Golden Cloud, T'tica, 5,502 bu com.

Gen Scott, Du Paee, 5,200 bu corn 1.200 lbs flour. A Leach, Joliet, 20 tons sand, 1,200 brick, 800 lbs drainage pipe, 50 cyr stone, i Eepublic, Morris, 130 tons coal. i Sultan, Ottawa, 6,300 bu corn. MONCMEXT TO THE LADY ELGIN SCFFERKRS. We understand the friends of the many who were lost on the Lady Elgin, are making arrangements for a suitable monument to be erected to their memory at the Catholic Cemetery in Milwaukee.

It will be the work of Milwaukee artists. TO RENT From May 1st a large and or leave lntoraation at irt trauaotou street, will De liberally rewaraed. B. E. GBASGKB, P.O.

BoxSOSl. ap-pai-irt Convenient Gothic Cottage, S5XC afloat 6,000 bn do at 25c afloat 6,000 Old Canal Mixed at 251c afloat 5,000 bu New and Old Canal Mixed at 85c.afloat 10,000 bu New Canal aud River Mixed at 24X0 afloat 45,000 bu Old Mixed in store at 23Xc 4c storage 800 bu Old Rejected in store at 18XC 4c storage 800 bu new Corn on track at i OATS Received to-day, 870 bu received last week, 16,098 bu shipped, 5,998 bit. The market for Oats is dull and we note a decline during the week of lc per Sales today were as follows: 600 bu do in store at 17c 4c storage; 100 bgs at 33c del. i RYE Received to-day, 321 bu; received last week, 6,647 bu shipped, 443 bu. There is a good demand for Rye and the market is steady.

Sales to-day were 3,500 bu No. 1 in lots at 40c 2c storage. BARLEY Received to-day, 3,158 bu received last week, 13,186 bu shipped, 12,451 bu. There is still a very active demand by shippers for good barley, and the market shows an improvement in the week of 23c per busheL Sales to-day were as follows 400 bu choice at 56c on track bu do at 62c 8,500 bu good at 50c delivered 1,500 bu do at 60c on track 4C-0 bu common at 40c on track. HIGHWINES Received to-day, 60 bbls; received last week, 785 bbls shipped last week, 878 brls.

In the early part of the week there was a good speculative inquiry, and sales were made at 0c; but towards the close, the market has been quiet and nominally lower, with but few transactions. To-day the market opened dull, but after the receipts of the New York dispatches, it became firmer closing with a limited inquiry at 19c ALCOHOL Steady and quiet at 4042c per SEEDS Received to-day, received last week, 91,140 lbs; shipped, 110,895 lbs. Clover The demand is moderate aud the market quiet. Today, sales, 13 bbls and 4 bgs fair at 4.13X. Prime is held at $4.254.40.

Timothy The demand during the week has been more active and the market Bteady. Sales to-day were as follows bgs choice Timothy at 82 bgs jrime at 30 bgs good at 87 bgs fair at $1.30. Flax The receipts are very light, and under a good demand for seed the market is firm. Sales to-day 50 bushels choice for seed at $2.00. Htthgariak There Is a limited demand and the market is quiet and nominal at 4Q45c.

BROOM CORN The receipts are very light, and the stock here is held firm at $7535 for prime, and 3060 for inferior to BEANS There is a fair demand for Beans, aud the market is steady at $1 .1.25 for fair to prime. Inferior, 6S85c FRUITS Gnsra -Southern Apples are in good supply and the market is unusually dull and depressed Sales ranging from $1.003.25 perbbi. There is very 1'ttle inquiry for choice Eastern Deied There is a fair demand for Dried Fruit, and the market is steady. We quote Greek Apples. extraN.

8.753.25 l. i fair prime 00-25 common to fair. 1.001.75 Lemons, box 4.505.00 Orarpcs 5.00t5.60 AprH14. COW LOST Of medium size Color, lieht brown: whfta face, and ellchtlT marked with white; about six years old and In poor hsndsomely situated near the Lake, at FAIR VIEW, Cottage Grove. Accessible either by tbe Hyde Fark train or Horse Cars, every hour during the day.

There is also a fine barn and stabling for four horses, a never failing well of pure water, a good veeetable garden and BhrubDery, a bath room, Bent moderate, la-quire of thirty-six hours after he reached the hospital-boat, death came to his relief. Faithful hands did all that was possible for his comfort. His body was placed In a metallic coffin, and under the care of B. F. Walker, who went as far as Cairo to receive it, it arrived in this city on Monday evening at half-past 9 o'clock.

It was then put In the charge of the undertaker, Mr. Bulkley, who, after making the necessary preparations, conveyed it to the; residence of the father-in-law of the deceased, B. F. Walker, No. 153 Green street, and into the presence of the wife and friends.

It was a scene long to be remembered. Just as the bell was tolling the hour of midnight, the heavy coffin was borne Into the house by condition, ner call, my Darn, is a days oio. I will pay a suitable reward for her return to 177 West Adams street, near Halsted. ap'5-p31Mt Alabama, La Salle, 42.232 ft lumber, 6.032 9s mdse, 94 bu beans, 125 brls salt, 200 bu hair. Abby Sprague, La Salle, light.

Gladiator, La Salle, light. Harmon, La Salle, 91.092 ft lumber, 20 siding, 60 shingles, 5 lath, 640 wood. -Danube, Ottawa, 4 ft lumber. hands. A lot of ECO brls Extra Mesa Beef (last fall's packing) was sold at $13.00.

Bulk Meats were inactive, with light sales of country-cut, at 8c for Shoulders and 4c for Hams, loose. Lard was in good demand and irm, with sales of 650 pkgs prime kettle at 7c, and small parcels country atTc. Freights to-day were dull, with limited engagements at 9c for corn and 10c for wheat to Buffalo. At these figures vessels were freely offered bat the dnU news from Europe and the East deterred shippers. r1 REVIEW OF CHICAGO MARKET No.

Metropolitan Block. t3? The sole of the furniture of the Richmond House, by Gilbert, Sampson Warner, commences this morning at 9 o'clock, and will continue through the day, and embraces crockery and glassware, bedding, mirrors, carpets, Also, one of Steinway A Son's piano, seven octaves, carved rosewood case. 33oattritt2. Leonara, lsv saue, iiM.a.'U tc lumoer, sidincr. tition from the citizens of Minnesota, praying Congress to eaU on all the people of the United State, hond and free, to aid in the suppression of the rtoeGion, and assuring them of the protection of the flag thereof.

Mr. FES8ENDEN or from the Finance Committee, reported the House bill, without amendments, for establishing a branch mint at Denver, Colorado. Mr. McDOUGAL of Cal. called up the resolution calling on the Secretary of War for information as to the causes of the delay in the trial of Gen.

Stone, and if the Utter had not applied for a speedy trial, dec Mr. FESSENDEN ensrgested that the resolution should call on the President instead of the Secretary of War. Mr. McDOUGAL said' he especially preferred it as it stood. He alluded to the fyct that it was now fifty days since Gen.

Stone had been arrested and closely confined in a dark fort without being able to learn why tie was arrested, by whom, nor had he learned whether his arrest was ordered by the President and Secretary War or the Commanding CieneraL The manner of his arrest and confinement seemed to be more the result of a Venitian Council of Ten than that of officials la free Republic. He briefly reviewed the circ*mstances prior to Stone's arrest. Mr. WADE defended the Committee on the Conduct of the War, and believes Ston'es ar-ret iustifiable. Atlanta, La Salle, 73 ft lumber, 100 shingles.

TO RENT The new stone-front, three- storv and basem*nt, first class Dwelling with ell modern ur provements. No. 607 Wabash avenue. The owner might board In the house If -td by the party renting. Inquire of W.

H. MALLORY, No. 71 Lake street, from to 12 o'clock. mh-ni64-8w BOARDING wish-lng a good comfortable boarding bouse, conve ycVICKER'S THEATRE. Tne Manager respectfully annonaci to the publio that be has, at a gieat expense, effected an engagement with the wonderlul artlata, L.

M. G-ottschalk Carlotta Patti, Whose unprecedented success at their two first Concerts in tills city has created a universal desire that they should re-appear at the Theatre. They will, therefore, give Positively 2 Farewell Performances 'i'y Oa Thursday and Friday evenings, Assisted by GEORGE BIHFBON aad BIG. MORINO- Mr, Fraxi Staab Has kindly volunteered to assist Mr. QcttschaUc on this occasion.

Carl Bergman, Musical Conductor and Director. THUBSDAT EVENING. PKOGRAMMK FABT 1 Duetto Belisarto Simpson and Morino. 8 Polacca Puritani Bellini Miss Patti. 2 Transcriptlc Qnartotto Rigoletto.

Compoaei and performed by L. M. Gottsciialk. 4 Rotuanza Don Paaiiuaie 8lg. Morino.

5 Duet'o Patti and Simpson. 6 OjOi Crlolloa. Composed for four hands by L. Goth-chalk. Performed by the author ana Mr.

F. Staab. ATlt. 7 Duetto Don Giovanni Miss Patti and Morino. lux tonBnay.

Eawley, La Salle, 67,407 ft lumber, 60 shingles, 600 cedar posts. Jas Patrick, Ottawa, light, Garabaldi. La Salle. 150 tons nient to tbe business part of the city, will find It at 807 ashington street. Price taso per week an Eastern family.

One room now Day board EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. api5-ps70-at IOB WEEK KKDIHO APRrX, 15, 1863. Tork State, La Salle, H38.020 ft lumber, 24 siding, SO small liOts iwr saietneap, OARDIN G. An unfurnished front parlor and bed-room, with board, can be Okixxtal Bazaar. The Sisters of Mercy announce In another column that they will, on the 21st open an Oriental Bazaar and Fancy Fair, at Bryan Hall, for the benefit of the orphans under their charge.

This is an exceeding worthy object, and one which should meet with the hearty sympathy and support Situated la front of Smith Btnrgls" Union Elevator, ob the South Branch. Price of each lot from $100 to tSSO. Apply to J. BA8SETT, office of Wright So. 32 LasaUe street.

apli-p24St had at SO Van Buren street, between Wabash Avenae and State street. spU-p2l3-3t 15.6U0 lath, work 3.400 h. Prairie State, La Salle, 47,833 ft- lumber, 50 shingles, 100 lath. Cnrlew, La Salle, 6 ft lumber. BockBnn, Prison, 50 staves and headings.

BadgerlState, La Salle, light. Antilop, La Salle, 84 ft lumber, 12 latha Key Cityj La Salle, 90,205 staves and headings. A Thorp, Joliet, 86 lumber, lath, 500 BOARDING. Suites of Rooms for Gentlemen and their wives, can be obtainel, with board, after the 1st of May, at No. ii Michigan Avenue.

FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. LINSEED, LINSEED. LINSEED, wn have an invoice of several bundrea bushels of BP la-pap-at a few friends, and the lid was All stood around gazing in mute grief upon the yet natural features of the sleeping soldier. The belt and sword, stained by the brave man's own blood, lay near by, telling ms in silent language of the fearful conflict through which they had passed, and of how well they had been used by the hand that shall wield them no more. After a solemn prayer to God that the lessons of the scene before them might be profitably treasured up, and that the blessings of Heaven misht fall in consoling power upon that group of mourners, the little company withdrew.

of our citizens. Remember the orphan. CasSok, ths Scout. The body of Capt. choice Calcutta Linseed, wnicn we wjsu to nave sown BOARDING Board and pleasant rooms to be bad.

at ratm. at flAflR responeible farmers, reserving tne privilege oi pur-baping the crop at the market price. For further posts. MAKIXE INTELLIGENCE. Thb Icb dtSt.

Clatk Btvbb. Ptod. Citvsf Mad ci in tee garden. tsimnsoa. Irving W.

Carson, known as the aid and scout Valse particular, address stusiiMft w. uu-i, boumi Water street. pS210t PatU. BOTJ8E, corner State and Twelfth streets. Day boarders also received.

ap9 p30B-3w 10 A. Andante de la Sonata Pathetlcue of Beethoven en. Performed Li. March de IN ult Dy M. brottscnaia.

jpjr Sale. of Gen. Grant, and who was killed at Pittsburg in the late battle, is on the way to this city. He was an honor to Chicago. We hope the citizens will show the respect due to one so deserving; The time of the arrival of his BOARDING.

Suits of rooms and single rooms can be obtained with Board at 288 Et ate street. Also, a few day boarders can be accont. moeated. ison, which has been ice-bound in the river St. Clair for some days, sncceeded on Friday evening in opening a channel of sufficient width as to enable her to pass through.

She arrived at this port on Saturday at 8 o'clock. Capt. McGowanwasof opinion that the current would soon entirely clear IOR SALE Eighty feet on Michi-ran Avenue, between Madison and Twelfth the channel. Alter a short delay here, the juaai-son proceeded to Sandusky, her Det. t-s? There will be a meeting this evening, at 8 o'clock, In Parlor No.

1 of the Tremont streets. F.S streets. BONNETS, CLOAKS, AND MILLESEBT GOODS, body is not known, but the proper notice will be given. Tttbsdat Brranrs, April 15, 1863. FREIGHTS Laxb Navigation is not yet open to the lower lakes, but vessel owners have been chartering their vessels quite freely daring the week, at a decline of Sc per bushel on the rates paid a week ago." In the early part of the week several engagements were made at 12c for wheat to Buffalo but the rnling figures during the past two days have been 10c for wheat and 9c for corn to Buffalo, 13c for corn and 14c for wheat to Oswego.

At these prices, upwards of twenty vessels have been taken, and are now loading, in order to be ready to sail whenever the first news arrives here that the Straits are open. The intelligence that the Lachlne canal will not be opened till the 15th of May, has kept Canadian shippers out of the market, as there would be no object in shipping from this port to Kingston at present, unless there was come prospect of getting the produce through to Montreal without delay. To-AT the demand for vessels was less active thin yesterday, but there was no concession In rates. The engagements were as follows: To Oswego: Schr. Enterprise, corn, at 13c To Buffalo Schr.

L. H. Cotton, wheat, at 10c bark Pomeroy, corn, at 9c Railroad Freights During the "week a decline of 10c has taken place in the rates of flour to the seaboard, and Sc on fourth class. following are the closing rates iUi flu Class. Flour.

New York, via Lake Erie 65 1-30 jLaventser, itn. Freights at Detroit. The schooner Africa has OK THE REVEST STYLES. A choice selection of the above mav he found con taken oa a cargo of wheat for Oaweeo at 10 cents per bushel. She fs ready to take her departure the House, to devise measures for bringing the bodies of the members of the Chicago Artillery, Companies A and who fell In battle at FitUburg, to their homes in and near this city.

XjOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A J- good commodious brick house, with ample gTOnnas, centrally sitttated In the City of Kaclne, Wis. It eon mands a view of the town, lake, harbor. c. Cheap for eash. or will be exchanged for a small well-Improved farm adapted to fruit growing either ha stantly on hand at No.

41 Clark street Chicago, IU. J. W. BHAW. Agent apl4-p3l 25tnet nrst lair wxna.

i o. Cran fierrlesL tH Brl 8 603.50 Later from the Ice. The steamer Seabird. Duetto Barbiere ol Seviglia ROMlnL MlaiPatU and Geo. Simpson.

12 March and Finale of Weber's celebrated Concert ttuFik. Performed by L. M. Gottschalk and F. Staab.

Abmibhoit, 50 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra. Second Circle, aa usuaL The sale of seats will commence this morning att A. Higglns' music store, 117 Kandolph-tt. tJ" The Pianos ustd by Mr.

Gottaohalfc are furnish, ed from the celebrated factory of nickering A Sons, Boston. apl6-p421-3t McVICKER'S THEATRE. Madison street, between State and Dearborn. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rise at IU BKNEFIT and last appearance of the popular Tragedian, MR.

NEAFIE. Who has kindly relinquished the remain ler of his engagement to euable the manager to eifect an arrangement for the appearance at tha Tneatre of the celebrated artists Gottsehaik and Carlotta Patti. WEDtrKSDAT, April 16th, wilt be presented, for which left Saturday morning for Port Hu ron, re FOUND. A Gold Watch and Chain, which the owner can have bv calling at Address totnnern Michlean or Bon.hern Illinois. Mr.

WILSON offered a substitute for the resolution calling on the President for all information not incompatible with the public Interest relative to the arrest of Gen. Stone. Mr. McDOUGAL desired it to go over till to-morrow, as he wished to reply. Mr.

SHERMAN, from the Conference Committee, reported back the naval apportion-meat bill. Executive session. Adjourned. EOTJSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Mr.

TROWBRIDGE of Mich, called up the motion heretofore made by htm to reconsider the rote by which on the 24th of March the House adopted resolutions requesting the Secretary of arto informthem of the cause if any, for the protrracted delay in exchanging CoL Corcoran, who hrs been a prisoner at the south eince July, and directing him to stop all ex-cxhaeges until Colonel Corcoran shall be released. Mr. Trowbridge wished distinctly to say that it was no part of his desire to place an impediment in tho way of the release of Colonel Corcoran, but ha protested and asked the House to join him in. preventing the release of the other prisoners to be made subordinate to Col. Corcoran.

He had no doubt that every gentleman bad some friend whom he desired Should be released, though ot lower rank than Col. Corcoran. He mentioned the name of Col. Wilcox in this connection as a man of turned acam to tins port in tne evening at o'clock, beins unable to nroceed any farther than MB. KELSON O.

Box 571. Chicago. ap7-pU7-2w All the friends of the dead, and those interested in the above object, are earnestly re 2S Washington street, proving property and paying charges. apl5-p353-3t South East Bend, where she found the Ice too com 7 1J(C 6 7C 6 7 c. 6 5C 7 Ttfc.

18 20 15 18 c. 0 Si C. Dried Prime N.T. apples, B. Michigan Apples, Ohio Southern Gnpared Peaches, Pared Peaches, Blackberries, Plums, Kaepberries, Cherries, FOR SALE.

For sale or to rent. A frst 1H Tlviijllnr tTnnMt with TI tfift mndnrn pact to allow her to pass through. 10. t3f We would direct the attention of our readers to the card of Messrs. McGee, Wing Mitchell, In another column of this morning's L-sue of our paper.

With Mr. McGee we are acquainted, and can recommend hint as an honorable and fair-dealing merchant; and we are assured by reliable parties that he has associated, himself with persons in every way calculated to do honor to the mercantile community of the city. New Cakal Boat. Mr. P.

Labbe launched quested to be present, that there may be harmonious and immediate The PBOPEU.TO Pochawontas a Tot at. Loss. STEAM FLOURING MnLL FOR sale nt a bargain This Vill to eltlblv located in Improvements. Hg. 4 Park Bow.

For particulars in- uire of ALONZC Water St. s.u liioiiiiuisu, is south BICHMOND, 182 South This propeller which went ashore on Long Point on Tuesday evening last has gone to pieces. The ap4-p-2w Chicago, has four run of stone, and Its machinery and fixtures are nearly new. For further particulars apply to B. F.

QUIMBrCO nonr on Doaru was an wasnea overooara, wnue the 11.000 ba corn in her hold, and the remainder SALE. Flouring MiU and Water nflwpr for sale la Dodfire roiintv. Wis. Mill ap'S-paav-im in pouta ater street. Pbisok Life.

John R. Walsh, Custom House place, has sent us an early copy of a new book, by Lieut. "Wm. C. Harris, entitled "Prison Life in the Tobacco "Warehouse at of her cargo, is likely to prove a total loss.

Both vessel and cargo were fully insured. Buffalo Mx- lias three pairs of Burrs, is In good repair, situated ELEVATOR COM-. PANT. Pro-BfUar It. H.

Foan. pits -j .4 The St. Lawrence Ofkh. The ice has eons out at Chicago Avenue bridge on Monday after Wltnin one roue ox rauroaa station ana atu gtwu ids of custom. Would take in part pay, Chlcaeo Real Estate balance In goods suitable for a country store, or time notes.

Inquire of WEIGHT, 6HSEMAN CO, 22 Lasalle street. ap3-p6-w of the St. Lawrence, and vessels will now com Win ready to transfer grain on the lend from 1.40 Richmond." It Ib a readable volume, full of Incidents, and replete with experiences of canal ooats to ioulq sxatt. or particulars apply 1.40 i mence running to and from Ogdensburg Tha JACK CADE OR, TBE KKSTISH BSBEI.I.IOir. Jack Neafie.

AM. iKAMLU. AlA.tttvttl Board of Trade Boosts. 1.60 1.16 American line of steamers may now commence their trips as soon as rsady. Rochester Union, Southern manners and habits.

The author was a member, of Colonel Baker's California New York, all ......70 Boston, via Lake Brie. .70 Boston, all Rail ...75 Philadelphia, via Lake, 68 Philadelphia, all Baltimore, via ...68 Baltimore, all Rail. ...63 Pittsburgh, all rail ...85 FOR SALE. A beautiful cottage on TjiV-b utmrt: ner TTovne-fUorae Bail war run Grand Jennie Hlght. SPONGE! SPONGE I Fine Bath-lng.

Carriage and Toilet Sponges. regiment. 1.26 1.16 1.26 .70 MAPLE SUGAR There is a good demand for Maple Sugar at 10c with but a limited supply. SALT Shipped last week, 8,418 Oris. The near approach of the opening of navigation has rendered the market easier.

The following are the closing quotations, delivered at the cars: Fine brl Dairy, 8-00 Ground Solar fl S.50 '-oarse in market. GEOCEBIES Sugars are very firm, with an advancing Coffees are steady. We quote: 4--: SuoABS Cuba.4... TJa 8c 9YC K. T.

refined white coftee lOKOlOC us crushed, granulated and pulverized Wtimxa Molasskb N. T. Sugar House 45 4550 i Portland To concloO with the celebrated Nautical Drama of BLACK EYED STJSAK. ning past with SO or 60 feet front. A mrst class CELLAR, and WATER.

Price low. Apply to J. D. SINCLAIR, corner Laaalle and South Water steeets. Shipping Office. RECEIVED ON CONSIGN. MXKT. J. H. REED noon, a fine new canal boat.

Her dimensions are as follows Length, 103 feet beam, 17 feet 'depth of hold, 1 feet. Her carrying capacity is about 6,300 bushels. She Is built in the best manner, of white oak, with a frame i4 Inches In thickness, and is probably as well built and as fine looking a craft as any canal boat afloat. She Is now lying near the Chicago Avenue bridge. V.

GOTTSCHAtK AND PATTI AT TOT TlIBATRK. Susan Neafie. Mia Hosmer. Mr. McVicker 144 and 146 Lake street, Apothecaries and Chemists, and dealers la Fine Toilet Goods.

apl5-piS4-lt Paragon" to Quebec and CoL OR SALE. Wheeler Wilson's oniat" so tntcago, j. Sewing Machiaes for sale very low. we have ftnr Sewiuz Machines In perfect order. 20,000 Patent Scouring Bricks, INGSBURT HALLi Randolph street, bet, Clark and Dearborn, JjO AL.

ii'st arnral of the season. These machines have paid for themselves In six In Hhds. and Cases, PROVISIONS Bitxr There has been considerable inquiry for Extra Mess and Mess Beef during the week, and several thousand barrels have been sold at $11.00 for extra mess, $10.00 for mess, and for Extra Mess packed last fall. Beef Hams are in good request, with sales at $13 14. 00.

Mxss Pork The demand for Mess Pork Is very light, and the market is dull. Sales were the early part of the week at weeks in our business, but having no fnrther nse for them we will sell them very cheap. PtJ 8INGTON IiiiKOis Ciuxet. -Messrs. Gale Brothersl druggists, have sent us a specimen bottle of their Illinois Claret, made from the pure juice of the wild grape.

It has one good quality, at It is unadulterated with poisonous drugs, which Is more than can be said of a great deal of the imported wines In use. Bread Bread Is Ukcly to be cheap for some time to come, and if it is weU made it is tru Wrect from the manufacturers. BEOWKE CO, A SCBANTON, 217 South Water street mhS-nTJa-an j.neiaaa wuicil wiu ikj.u mj ua signal bravery and gallantry. Mr. MALLORY said he met CoL Woodruff the other day and heard him tell the President and Secretary of State, that though our prisoners at Richmond are exceedingly anxious to te released, they are willing, if the purpose of the Government should require it, to remain there as prisoners and serve their country In that way as any other.

Mr. AN CON who offered the resolution, said he was not aware till now that Col. Corcoran was still a prisoner, and his only desire waa to call attention to the fact that worthy and gallant soldiers are still prisoners, and to ascertain the cause of this delay in making exchange. After further conversation, the resolution was amended so as to request the Secretary of War to inform the House of uwu on lavoraaie ienan. SALE.

A small portable ..40 mhST-nBTS-lm 13 La wile street. By referring to our advertising columns this morning, in will be seen that M. Strakosch has been fortunate enough to engage McVicker's Theatre for Thursday and Friday evenings of Pittstoii Range Size, HielaigK Egg do Leliigli Large Egg Size, in positive open oa OTondar EveBlng, AprU ai, I80 With sew Stage, Scenery, Gas FLctnrei aco, aa CHRISTY'S OPERA. HOUSE. The original and only CIIItlSTY'S MUSTREI.S, -pOR Engl Engine (8 horse wer,) and a Slide Lathe for sale l'fi South Clark street, or ad-93.

1. Y.Syrnp..............44 50 Oolden Syrup 45 6050 Sorghum Syrup .30 35 cheap. Icon TO CAPITALISTS AND ESU- iDquire at dress Post Offlce Box JL GBAKTS. i COFFKB Kio .....90 28 Waracaibo I Briar Hill, St 10,000 acres of Farming Lands, carry- bushesa. FOR SALE.

A good grain tog vewel. Capacity twelve thousand OT. OTEEKEn, Fbot North Market steet. KEW ACTS, 5EW FEATURES, SEW FACES. ly tbe staff of but if poorly made It Is truly the "hammer of death." If you use D.

B. DeLand Chemical Saleratas you wffl have no trouble in making delicious bread and biscuit. mh n85S-lm for sale py uainajB. i O.G.Java S7 28 ilocha. 4 8 IXK)K at ras a a bat or TALarr: Stores, DweHlna Houses and town lots, comnri sing the real estate In Iewa, of the late ANTOISE LK LA.

IKE, deceased are now offered for sale at sach prices as to the present week, for the purpose of giving two performances with his unrivaled operatic concert troupe. These will positively be the last appearances here of Gottschalk, and Carlott Patti, who, with George Simp-eon, Signor Morino and Carl Bergman at Bryan Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, W. A. Christy, D. Welorom," D.

Giovanni. Alphonze Cortea, W. McCracken, G. Rarrlsoo. MERCHANTS' HOTEL LasaUe between Lake and South Water streets.

FOR SALE, AND TO USAolii ON LONO TIME. SricBSCasaia. .........88 40 Marry nowarri. vjnaa, Yvaaswortn.i-t.ijysEer, invite tne attention oi capiip-i, as most soon become of largely increased value, and to parties seeking a home la this nourishing State, such an oppor The subscriber ha vine- renovated and re-fumiahed- liarles Beiler, Bam. Price.

Lew. Hillara, eiiarfea Beiler. Bam. Price. Pepper 19 20 Allspice .......15 16 Cloves 22 25 ft Eugene Florence.

Al. Brundaae. Large Lota on West Washington, Randolph and Madt- George Webber, J.Boache. this House throughout, has accommodation for a few more boarders, at prices to suit the times. Board with tunity to parcnase seiaom occurme.

rur n(i apply to GEO. DAVEN'POBr, Kiecutor, F. Brlaberg, fc Byron Christy, TV RoTrnr DrvnuoK- Lot 7. Block 96.3. 8.

90 feet on room, irom as to fa. iransient uoaro, i per aav. Bobby. $10.75, but towards the close there were sales at $10.60, at which figure there are free sellers. Ekcush Mxatp There is a good demand for English Middles, but the stock is about ran out, and quotations are nominal.

Short Rib would bring 6X5Xc, and Short Boneless But.kMiats There is a good demand for shoulders, and sales have been made at an advance of Kc though buyers generally have not paid over SXc packed-two round lots only selling at 3fc packed. Hams have been sold at 44Jic, loose. There are very few Sides offering, and the market Is nominal at loose. PicKixD Mkats Hams In sweet pickle have been sold at $10 brl butthe stock Is very trifling. Lakd There Is a very good demand for prime kettle-rendered Leaf Lard at 7KC, and steam at 7c at which figures several thoeand packages have been sold during the week.

Country lots have been sold at 6K7c Gbxask Adams street House and Lot No. Si Ws hington street were so successful in catering to the musical ear of the Chicago public On to-morrow SAVES. Davenport, Iowa, March ant, 1363. mhM-a742-3ta Nutmegs 75 SO Teas -Fine Young 115 Black .....50 Honse ana Lot ro. Micntgsn avenue uuva vu Everything Hew, Original and TJfiiiiTXte.

Admission to all parts of the Hall, 85 cents. Seats BE ay be secured daring the day without er charge, i dolph, Madison and State streets, Michigan and va-hash avenues. iu icnDm TT-rTWTow raw Tots and Wsre- Tankee Card Writer" wedding, visiting, P. P. cards, at Sherman House.

For samples by mad, send two red stamps. apl6-6t fW Tankee Card Writer" wedding, visiting, P.O." cards, at Sherman House. For samples by mail, send two red stamps. ap9-5t For cleaning and dying gentleman's clothes go to Cook A McLean, 96 Dearborn-street. This old established house do better and cheaper work than any In the city.

ebSl-Jy COAL. We Lave oil hand about 500 toes Of Briar Hill Screenmra ef v.r. mM ZITY LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR RAT.K AT RKntTCKO PRTCRft. FISH The market is quiet and steady, with sales of No. 1 Whitefisa in round lots at $2.75.

We CHAKLKS WAD8WORTB, Courier. house near Wells street Briage; Korth Water and Ean- One niradrpd acreia Citr Lota and Slocks, attoated the cause 11 any wuicn nas prevented the exchange of Cols. Corcoran and Wilcox, and the other prisoners of war held since uly last. The house resumed the consideration of the the till reported from the select Committee to regulate the franking privilege, being a codit cation of the laws upon thai subject ith amendments. Mr.

COLFAX said the Post Office Committee, with one exception, were in tavor of the abolishment. The minority report declaring J. S. Morton elKted delegate from Nebraska, was ordered printed. The bill amendatory of the act establishing the Court of Claims was up.

The House concurred In the reports of the Committee of Conference on dieajrreeine votes on the passage of the Navy Appropriation bill. Adjourned. ae street i.ora, wirn nuuaiaas. In tne VTeetem. Southwestern and Bouthern pu-ts of GEORGE'S DAY.

The St. quote: i No. 1 Whitefiah, hf No. QT. Ge IS thte tiEOva.

piflKTH i en or i weniy octct. T. WEIGHT, Boom No 8. Portland Block. quality, wnlch we are delivering to families In half-ton lota, at ts.50 per ton.

In the absence of all other coaL they are found to answer very wen, and are much cheaper than wood. PRICE, MORRIS CBAWfORIh Offices and yards 144 North Water, Canal and Adama streets, and east and VanBurjBiistieet bridge. George's Benevolent Aaaociatlon wm celebraM una ciT. are onerea at reaacea pnece oy toe suHcrv ner. For particulars, tenra, inqoire between tha nonra of 39 A.

M. ana 5 P.M. THOMAS ST IN 88 evening the programme Is to be a rich and varied one, including Duetto, Belisario, Simpson and Morino; Polacca, Miss Patti Transcription, Quartetto Rigoletto. Composed and performed by L. M.

Gottschalk; Ojos CroDlos, composed for four hand by L. M. Gottschalk, performed by the author and F. Staab Come In the Garden, Maud, George No. 1 Trout." iieartxwn street, (npataire.) mnas-niSKj-im 9.75 8.60 8.35 4.50 S.74 15.00 760 10.00 6.00 TRAIN TILE, FIRE BRICK, S.00 S.75 8.75 3.50 5.00 4.

al6.00 8.50 11.00 5,50 RESIDENCE FOR One of Hie most attractive residences In the vicinity of Chicago, substantially built of HlghUmd Park pressed brick, and Just aompleted at a cost of U.0CO, Is offered for sale at a great bargain. It is situated in the edueatioaal village of Evantton, tor. milM froit, Chicago, on the lake shore. LOCOMOTIVE 1'ltE, REMOVAL. L.

Dutton has re-movpri hla Rtahl. frnm nnnr.Bi Placa to No.S Codfish, 9109 Pickled Herri nga, bri. No. 1 Mackerel, brls hf brla So. bra.

hf brla. For coal burning Loco in otl Tea, oa Juad. or mads to the stable of M. Pilklnpton, on Wabash. Avenu be ara such as enable huaifiess order, oi any ataxiea pauem.

No. a Board, of Trade Baildhag. mh6SHm WILLIAM H. RICK their Anniversary by- holding SOCIABLE AND BALL, AT METRO P0L.IT AH HILL. Wednesday Eyning, Ayoil 231862.

i Tickets can be had at the Bheraan Bouse Drue Store-corner Clark aad Randolph Blackalla Tea Store 4 Clark street Ma Phelja BeeleyX corner of Ran. dolph and Canai Foster Bouse, eoruer of North Clark and Kinile; Mars. poggea Kaasona, corner of fcorth Clark and Water streets, and of the members and officers of the Society. opie-p80-lw tween Randolph and Lake streets. The old statue is being torn down to maa room to a new one, to be occupied by Mr.

Cuttoa, apl-n90-lna Dies c-f tbe city to reside here and keep their regular Simpson Valse veeanny, suss rata March de Nuit, GottschoTk, performed by L. M. Gottschalk. There will be a grand rush for tickets to-day. $7 For Paper Hangings go to the old stand of E.

G. L. Faxon, 70 Lake street. He has the best workmen in the city. aplam t-Buy paper hangings of Chase ft 100 Randolph street.

mhW-Sna VW Go to John Jones, H9 Dearborn and get your clothes cleaned and repaired. nvl2 Call on Dumop, Sewen A Spalding for Printing. H1DK8 The market during the week has been scarcely so firm, and Dry Flint have ruled a shade lower; bnt is Green and Green Cured, there is no Oualness nours ana wnere- uirw uot nuumn Institutions of the Northwest are located, which, with MM) rmhtic iu-hf m.k the locatloa molt deatrahl a OF YORKTOWN. ME. CHARLES "REDLLEYI IS mo longer oar Agent la the City of Chicago, and his acta will not he recognized By us.

MOSS--Suitable for Upholsterers and CarriagMakors' purposea. stll material change. We quote: The Bouse Is two and a half stories tn height, oa a commanding eminence, overlook's the village and lake. Surrounding It are twenty acres of cultivated land, with a good barn, gardener's house, near 809 trees of tha ervrtea frmta, large Plata of straw aerrlea. blackbarriea.

Scarce and in good demand at 5X5X for Yellow, and 6XC for White. there was little or no demand for Mess Fork, and the market was dull. Sales 100 brls city packed at $10.50. Mess Beef steady. Sales 500 brls choice Extra Mesa (packed last fall) at $13.

Bulk Meat quiet, but shoulders were firmly held. Sales 80,000 trtooontry-cut shoulders aud Hams at and 4c loose. Lard was In good request and firm. Sales 400 pkgs City Kettle at ftfc, and 359 pkgs Freeport Kettle at 7Kc 31 brla and Slkegi country kettle at 7c The following are the dosing quotations for all kinds of produce; i'-i if f- 14 ISTKLUSBJtCB. Yesterday being sacred to the doetributlou Sewxoric, April aa, lata.

pw-paa Xfairal KeconJtaie "Tork. Hirer. WASHrsoTOK, April 15. The steamer, Capt. Eastman, arrived at the navy a bvxk in aw.

i a of which we are ottering to the trade at lower prices than can be purchased wbege Bhlt-nSlS-lm 21 Mala st reet. Sain Louis, Mo. Drv 10X15. novU-h321-ly OFFICE OF GENERAL COM Green Cured 8 Xc Green Country raspbeuies, with a great variety of the stationary plants usually cultivated In gardens. This property will be sold at a great sacrifice one- MTSsroiraa for ALL the States and Territories.

DEEDS and other Writings drawn and acknowledged for ALL the Btates and Territories, Passports obtained. FEET OF WHARFS TO nan cam, wiin erwut. iot ua saiartce. or furtner par- of votes, was not an active one in the courts. The Circuit and Recorder's Courts were in fact closed.

Business was rather dull in tbe United States and Superior Courts. In the 1.500 TALLOW There is a very active shipping demand for prime packing-house tallow at 7XV but holders were firm at TJf at which light sales T.KAHX tlnod SBbstantlal Docks oa Binuaua, iwjum ou. cv 'uv axer sv. t.Hira I1L ayi-I4-8m GKOKGK F. FOSTB tn proper form at tne U.

8. Oo mmiisJoner'slWom. Gas- tbe West Baak of the South Branch of Chicago River, East of ftuated street bridge, near South streeLand an TO THE CONNECTICUT M- TXAI. IstrAJse Co, aad all others i Chioaoo, April 4th, ,1 Take notice, that on the twenty-third day ofjnly, A. D.

I860, 1 purchased tbe 61 feet South and adjeaatng tha Korth 48 feet of Lots :5 and te Block 140. In School Section Addition to the City of Chicago, la the county of Cook and Btate of Illinois with the huildinga If any, situated thereon at a sale of Lota aad Lands (held have been a torn House ana rca omce Bauajug. a. HOT1TK. General Commlfwioner for iu the States and I NEW.

average uepia oi im Lmnner nww mu leased em very low terms by applying to WM. H. i LUMBER Received last week, 1.167,000 feet Territorlea, aaa soary nxaaa. poow. RELIGIOUS NOTICES.

Rev. R. W. French will preach In the United Presbyterian Church, corner of Washington and Jetenoa streets, this (Wednesday) evening, at t)( o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend.

Immediately after the religious exercises Mr. French will precide in the consideration of a call to be (riven by the Congregation to a minister ot the fulled Presbyterian Church to become their settled Pastor. AH tbe members and adherents are particularly requested, to be present at the vara to-oay, navmg leit ion miw i co*ck yesterday morning. The Tankee went about cio-nt miles up the Tork River on Sunday nicht, and anchored off Gloucester Point, where the steamers Penobscot, Marble Heart ud Wachnsett were already lying. The rebel batteries at the Point, which are said to be very extensive, mounting mostly 100-ponndr rifled guns, They tried the range of their guns on the Bteamers yesterday afternoon, the shot felling very little short of one.

Tbe vessels then dropped down the river, and About three miles, below the Point disco SAMPSON, Houh and Land Agent, No. 3 Metropolitan Block. or P.O. 1796. ap4 pm3w-eod KTOnnAHn.

Wn. Its rinrk street. lumber; 90.0C0 feet timber. Snipped last week, 1,808,760 teet lumber 947460 shingles 18609 pea lath: 18,000 feet timber; 5,559 posU. There la T7.ENCING I Pi.nt Instruction in the ass of the broad sword.

former the following petit Jury was reported to the cases, as stated in a previous issue, where there is no defence: Matthew Laftin, Augustus Boyden, William Law, Benjamin Adams, E. R. Bowen, Taos. Speer, John Pannly, 8. P.

Smith, Ambrose Burnham, Job a A. Ballard, W. Mortimer, Taos, H. Keef, John Ciamck, XL Osbora. tn pursuance to law) for State, county, town, school AND OUT-HOUSES T7AULTS Mess Pork Light Mess J.S0 10.00 Prime 8.50 Prime Pork 6.50 7.00 6.S0 Q7.00 a Cumberland Kiddles, In boxes.

0.5 Long Rib Middles, in boxes 8.05X Long Bosmtesa Mlddloa, in box. O.06 Introduces to the pubno nicely Colored Cartes de Visile, done cheaply and neatly, pietrving all the beautiful Onts or the finest colored phutograpn. They are nth. taxes and coat a due for the vear A. iu ISM, r.toned verr cheap bv JOHN WURK.

K1 Nortii small award sabre, bayonet asd st'c. la aivea by Liest. RIBSJil, at No. West Randol(h IWKt, at reonale and that the time of redemption thereof will ajtoire oa nt see them. till a very qniet market, without aar material bound to supercede the plain one.

the (23) twenty -third day oi July, A. IBM. Clark street, aad 371 aad Stale elreet. P.O.Box CM. aoliS3m aps-u-W rates, usu aaa see mm, fu pm iume uiuy at pwiuuaiu a.

change in prices. The demand for Oomraoa Board plB-p3C4K3t Yoars, 8 a. j. Jt i Hi,.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.