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San Angelo Tax Standard-Times Wed Feb 19 1947 15 CLIMAXING MITCHELL SHOW 45 Cents Per Pound Paid For Coif In Tuesday Sale Egg Breaking Plant Will Be Installed An egg breaking plant vQ bo In operation here by March 30 A Smith owner of the Palmers Praduc Co 619 Oakes win Install the plant which will have a capacity of 400 mart dally The new building and equipment will represent aa Investment of about $30000 Smith said today Work on the exterior of the budding to being completed now but Interior work remains such as piss-tering Installation of refrigerating units and other work A railroad spur Is being built into the back of the plant where loading racks will care for poultry and 1U products Dam Start By June 30 Said Engineer Plan With no reconversion order hindrances now In the way early contracting of Initial construction on the North Concho River flood control project was declared assured Tuesday The head of the Corps of Bigln-eers informed Ben Tom Connslly In Washington that a construction start by June 30 was Indicated This coincided with earlier Information that the Zkiglneera hoped to have plans and specifications Including recent changes ready to put In the hands of prospective bidders about April Zn a letter to Carnally LL Gen A Wheeler chief of army engineers legislation authorizing the project and appropriating $3jMOjOOO far continuation of planning and Initiation of work Then he added: "I am pleased to say that the planning work Is now sufficiently advanced that It appears probable aim's cow Judged grand champion breeding female Glyn Hamilton took second and third places In that division first In the class for females calved between Jan 1 1945 and Jan I 1946 and first in females calved after Jan 1 1946 Dairy cattle champion waa shown by Raymond Ilackfeld reserve champion by Thomas Stinson Recent purchase of material for a permanent bam to house the show will move the 1948 version to the rodeo grounds Por the past five years the boys shows have been held In down town Colorado City at the City-County Building Show directors an headed by Mackey with Law Powell chairman of finances The local Chamber of Commerce sponsors the exhibit and offers rash prises which this year totalled SljOOO I A Chapman chamber manager la aecretary-treasurrr James Grate Marschall and Nelson Ds Wolfs were Judges ALASKAN -Mo Delmar Frazier (left) of Milwaukee and Copt Philip 'Loomis of Ithaca members of the Army's Task Force Frigid plod through snow es they leave their tent home near Fairbanks Alaska In temperatures ranging down from 40 to 50 degrees below zero the Army is tests of equipment including clothing tanks and guns -N Homeowner Victim $163 Swindle A eitc-irUf dragnet hu teen spread for an Individual who vlc-Uaurl a local homeowner with a cver racket Involving the hang-rjc of wallpaper The Individual tetrg sought Is charged In Justice court hers with embezzlement The local Texas Highway Patrol and the aherlff'a department eo-' rperated In launching the hunt The rupret waa almost cornered to East Texas and was last report-d heading west from hn Horn accardtog to the aherlff'a depart merit The alleged embezzler actually had contracted work performed put-' tmg both paper and canvas In a residence located In the east part ef the city He bad assured the homeowner that a discount of SO per cent could be obtained at a local lumber yard by allowing him to handle the de-tails of purchasing materlaL The local man agreed to this and after Inspecting the newly-hung paper gave the swindler a check for I1U this amount presumably Including the discount It was small wonder then that the local citizen became furious upon receiving a bill from the lumber company for both paper and materials By the time the bill arrived the contractor bad disappeared It Is not known whether any dther local homeowners were also victimized Llano Girl Seeks More Coif Honors LLANO Feb II (SC) Rode 4 Club girl of Llsno County whose calf entries won In the Llano calf show last month and also In the Houston Fat Stork Show will enter two fat Hereford steers In the livestock exposition In Port Worth nest month County Agent Robinson has anribuneed Sha la the daughter ef Mr and Mrs Aaron Rods of Llano County Rodriquez Pays Fine Pells Rodrtques paid a fine of 14770 Including costa In county court Tuesday after entering a plea of guilty to a charge ef committing an aggravated assault on a woman at a local night club Peb IS City police filed the complaint Lot Ratio Lined Up For Insurance The deadline for cotton crop Insurance has passed with 10 new farms Included along with 30 continued over from last year More than half of those who Insured last year had reportable losses primarily from the drouth and benefited as a result said Mrs Flossie Whitaker secretary of the Tom Oreen ACA Agricultural Adjustment Agency Additional farms and greater acreage there are about 750 ywar-after-year eotton fanners in the county must be had before the agency can "get out of the red' Mrs Whitaker agreed The agency operates like others In that "the greater the spread of Insurance the lower the operating cast' Adequate records are at hand on cotton yields 17m Insurance premiums vary On a farm with a 300 pound lint yield per acre 79 per cent Insurance would east 31 pounds of UnL A July cotton pries will set the premium and the damages bases Wheat to the only other crop insured In this county last fall SS farms signed for Insurance a Mg Jump from 13 the year before Mo losses havs shown up thus far this year shies cniEnoHQ no WJUL SAUS OrrSJUNOS or government surplus WIST that Initial construction contracts can be let and the construction of certain features of the project Initiated before the end of the current year Is our Intention to carry the work forward as expeditiously as existing circ*mstances permit Grooms Posts $750 Bail In DWI Case Bond of $750 was posted In county court Tuesday by Johnnie moms 45 Randolph St rooms was indicted by a Slat District Court grand Jury last Wednesday on charges of second offense driving while Intoxicated Sureties on the bond are Moll John Watson and Salvato Grooms was convicted on a DWI charge In county court here In 1941 Attends JC Meet BRADT Peb 18 (SC) Bill Robert Jr Is In Dallas at present where he Is representing the local Junior Chamber of Commerce at the International Congress of Jay- KNOW 1 Jfi 'A COLORADO CRT Peb 28 Climaxing the two-day Mitchell County Boys livestock Show an auction ring sale In Colorado City with Bob May and Sam WulfJen as criers saw the top calf go to the Colorado City National Bank at 45 cento a pound Boys were given the right to hold their calves and other exhibits for showing at future shows and a number of the champion animals were not offered for sale Tbp calf told belonged to Jack Wells and was a 700-pound Hereford which took second place In the light dry lot division Only IS calves were sold at prices ranging from 28 cento to 33 cents the pound HOGS SELL Eight hogs were sold The stand champion hog a 350-heavy weight belonging to Charles Hestand waa bought by Leonard Henderson at at 33 cento a pound PTed Guitar bought the reserve champion hog at 35 cento Paul Teas purchased the top capon owned by Hubert Baaslnger at 88 a head The grand champion lamb owned and shown by Robert Henderson brought 8205 the pound for a total of 521730 Ross Daniels was buyer Thirty -seven lambs were sold through the ring at an average price of 35 cento the pound The grand champion calf' shown by ROnny Pee the reserve champion shown by Tom Neff and all first place winners will make later show circuits their feeding coaches said Mitchell County boys placed well In the money at a number of area and state shows last seamen SHOW PRAISED The 1947 county show here was directors agreed one of the best in the town's history Calf entries were not so numerous as In 1946 (due to drouth and feed condl tions) but the quality of steers was exceptionally high Breeding and daily cattle exhibits brought much favorable comment by the hundreds of spectators who visited the show Judging of all fat lambs wi completed as the second day of the show opened Robert Henderson Colorado city PPA student showed the grand champion lamb of the exhibit with Linden Solomon PPA student who lres at Cuthbert slumping the reserve champion Henderson's 106-pound crossbreed nosed out the Solomon RamboullletL Other prises In lamb division went to David Bridgford first year 4 H'er who captured the award as the best slieep showman Thomas Stinson took first prise for the pen of three lambs fed by one boy David Bridgford was second Melvin Baumann Lor nine 4-H third MOORE SECOND Zn the high bracket for lambs were Bobby Moors second In Lha mutton or crossbreed division Jasper Hart third Henderson fourth and Roy Lee Beach fifth Zn the fine wool lamb claw Solomon took first Wlllte Taylor second Solomon third ZTavld Bridgford fourth and Jerry Richardson another first year 4-H boy fifth Judging of classes for boy Hereford breeders found Melvin Bau- Work Is Started On Brady Project BRADT Peb IS (SC) Remodeling of the warehouse belong Ing to the Smith estate la In progress with Ray Young local contractor In charge of the work The entire front of the old Brady landmark Is being: remodeled and a new floor will be put In according to Alva Smith The building will be divided Into four separate units with the north 35 fret having already been rented to Sunset Motor Lines for use as offices and warehouse The cost of the project to be completed about June 1 will be approximately 15000 4-H Club Sponsors Talk Future Plans Program plans and proposed activities of the Tbm Oreen County 4 Club for the coming months were dismissed at a meeting of the Club sponsors at the office of County Home Demonstration Hazel McCoy In the eourthouat Tuesday afternoon Specific plans were talked for the 4 Club activities at the San Angelo Pst Stock Show March 1 Attending the meeting besides Miss McCoy were: Mrs Tom Ona-tott Water Valley: Mrs Whittle Pslrvlew Mrs EL Poster Jr Knickerbocker and Mrs Kirk of Christoval representing San Angelo Boosters To Meet At Brady Thursday BRADT Peb IS (SC The newly organised Band Boosters Club will stage Its first entertainment Thursday night at 7:30 with covered dish dinner To be held at the high school cafeteria the dinner Is open to band members of all schools of the city their parents and any other persons of the vicinity who are Interested In the development of bands in the schools Richardson band director announced Mrs Phil Monson is chairman of the committee on arrangements for the dinner Paving Payment Okayed At Brady BRADT Peb 18 CSC) City Council has authorized payment of paving estimate No 8 In the amount of $1331874 Payment of the third estimate on the current paving project brings the total cost to date to $3816774 The first estimate paid was for $925640 the second for $1559240 Schwop Bros contractors of Sen Antonio are doing the work Pictures Help Sales During recont yean salts have been no problem in most lines of business Indications are that situation Is changing with keener competition for the consumer's dollar Good pictures made into good cuts add welcome cm phasis to good advertising lied Rooster Photo Engraving Co Stendard-Tlmes Bldg Dial 3181 Announcer Returns BRADT Peb 18 Porret Cox chief announcer for Radis Station KNEL prior to his entry Into service during the war has returned to the station In that capacity Orady Burns owner and operator has announced Zn addition to having worked hero previously COx served for arnno time as announcer for the Texas Buts Network prior to the war non fed Z4 1947 TEXAS Veterans' Certification Office North American Plant 3rd Floor Grand Prairie Texas TST-M -i 1 I nf i-- For Complete Bus Information To All Renville Union 27 Twohig Talpan Employed For Brady Post BRADT Peb IS ISC) Dr Xing Telpa vetemarian has been named full-time city sanitarian by the City Council and will be here to take over the duties of that position March 1 The city will pay flSO monthly to he veternarlan His duties Will consist of Inspecting and enforcement of all health regulations During the past three or fout yean when It was difficult to fill this position the duties have been carried on by City Marshal Joe Myrlck in addition to his pMcr and fire Inspection duties KERRVILLE BUS TERMINAL Uea tv TviMi' TWM "The Shaft Dial SIM uuvaxi scs oo twrtmm On av M-St Pina laa 1:11 a I a a ml rsxaA asw Msxiro Oklahoma coachm Ai I Baa A as la a at a -I 9- mZ til Thaangh car la Awarllla oil niLD acs uses at Mat Saa A apal I SCf AST STAGES aa Aagrta AHImb Fart Warth a if-aa 1 I Wichita raUa eta Isium-tAN anoslo MOTOS COURII Vis aart Las aaA rnrmmtm to Wap Angela a a 1:01 ML CONTINENTAL BUS CENTEB la A Otal ST1A CONTINENTAL TKAILWAT8 tat Warth Ha CtbaM BraapaaaS hat Sivphaavllla to Angela itt a a 1M TIXIL NSW MEXICO A OKLAHOMA COACHES arlBa to Baa Ansvis a at a a tol B- a a Through ear ta Anartllo OIL MELD BCS Luni Cranaettopg at Baa Angela far AM-toaa rt Worth Oallaa patata aarta aaa at to Baa Anrda a a a Dal Rla tetaaAngel a ft sl CNIKT STAGES Saa Angela Ballinger AMIaaa Lv a a 1:4 ABILENE -SAN ANGELO MOTOB COACHES Bsa Bahert Laa Breate tllraa Lv a at BL BATOBNT WACMB ta MeCaawv for Ofm a at ta McCaaMV for Alpine a ml a at SOB ML Dependable Dns Station Phono 6124 Ship Via PACTS YOU SHOULD Sunset Motor Linos trucks oporutu on fust desoly coordinated schedules serving Houston Sun tonio Austin and most Wost Taxes points Brody Brown wood Abilene Sweetwater Big Spring Lubbock Midland Monahans Pacos McCamey Ft Stockton and El Paso ora among the many cities served directly Route And psyarx a' NORTH AMERICAN PLANT 3RD FLOOR GRAND PRAIRIE TEXAS BOX 1407 FORT WORTH TEXAS.
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