Warframe Tier List (2023): All Frames ranked (2024)

With the number of Warframes available in the game, creating a tier list is especially hard. The classic MMO features 52 playable Warframes, each with different abilities and playstyles. For newcomers, Warframes or Frames are essentially your competitive gameplay warriors or characters tasked with shooting looters.

These exoskeletons vary in strength, versatility, and utility. In this article, we will rank all 52 playable Warframes in the game. The ranking depends on several factors, including kit strength, utility, versatility, and flexibility in different scenarios. Delve into this article if you want to know more about how each frame performs in the current meta.

All 52 Warframes arranged into tiers

1) S-Tier

S-Tier Warframes are currently the best in the game. They excel in all game modes and can easily secure you wins when played correctly. It is highly advised that you purchase these frames and upgrade them right away.

Here are the Warframes in this tier:

  • Wisp
  • Mesa
  • Saryn
  • Octavia
  • Nova
  • Trinity

Mesa is the frame you should choose if you want the greatest Warframe experience possible. She benefits from an increase in health if you primarily use firearms and lack a melee weapon. Her Shooting Gallery ability jams enemy firearms while buffing the damage of a random ally.

2) A-Tier

A-tier Warframes lack the game-changing power that those in the S-tier possess, but they are still some of the strongest warriors in the game. These are particularly great choices for less experienced players because of their easy-to-understand mechanics. It is recommended to level and upgrade these Warframes immediately.

Warframes that belong to the A-Tier include:

  • Inaros
  • Ivara
  • Chroma
  • Volt
  • Khora
  • Equinox
  • Gara
  • Voruna
  • Citrine
  • Wukong
  • Rhino
  • Nidus
  • Styanax
  • Caliban
  • Gauss
  • Nezha

3) B-Tier

Those in the B tier are decent picks for certain situations. They are generally above-average fighters, but they require some skill to really play effectively and make an impact on the battlefield. For this reason, these Warframes are recommended by experienced players.

Here are the Warframes in the B-tier:

  • Gyre
  • Baruuk
  • Limbo
  • Mirage
  • Titania
  • Protea
  • Oberon
  • Ember
  • Harrow
  • Lavos
  • Revenant
  • Sevagoth

4) C-Tier

Although the C-Tier Warframes are reliable soldiers, they lack powerful arsenals that can dictate the pace of the game. They are essentially as powerful as those in B-tier. However, you need to put in a little more effort to play effectively. You can use them to win games, but you have to be strategic about it.

Below is a list of Warframes in the C-tier:

  • Vauban
  • Nekros
  • Mag
  • Hildryn
  • Garuda
  • Valkyr
  • Loki
  • Ash
  • Excalibur
  • Frost

5) D-Tier

Warframes on this tier have below-average game performance and do not provide sufficient offensive or defensive strategies when engaging in combat. While these Warframes are not entirely useless, their kits require very specific situations to excel. Hence, picking these Warframes is generally not recommended:

  • Grendel
  • Atlas
  • Hydroid
  • Kullervo
  • Yareli
  • Banshee
  • Xaku
  • Nyx
  • Zephyr

That is all for the complete Warframe tier list for July. You may also be interested in learning about the top five Warframes of all time.

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Warframe Tier List (2023): All Frames ranked (2024)


What is the best warframe frame? ›

1 Revenant

This Warframe has arguably the strongest defensive skill in the entire game through Mesmer Skin, making you immune to a set number of attacks. Each stack guarantees one second of invulnerability as well, so a good Revenant build can become invincible for 20 seconds or longer through a single ability cast.

How many frames are there in Warframe 2023? ›

The classic MMO features 52 playable Warframes, each with different abilities and playstyles. For newcomers, Warframes or Frames are essentially your competitive gameplay warriors or characters tasked with shooting looters. These exoskeletons vary in strength, versatility, and utility.

Who is the best hero in Warframe? ›

The best of the best.
  • Wisp.
  • Saryn.
  • Octavia.
  • Mesa.
  • Dante.
  • Voidrig.

Which frame is the strongest? ›

Titanium Glasses Frames

Titanium is a high-strength, lightweight material commonly used in everything from hubcaps to eyewear.

What is the hardest frame to get in Warframe? ›

To answer your question, hardest warframes to farm are Equinox, Harrow and Ivara, tho from them only Ivara is really newbie friendly while Equinox is newbie friendly against low lvl enemies and takes knowledge to bring her to high tiers.

What Warframes have no primes? ›

If you really want a list, here you go: Harrow, Khora, Revenant, Garuda, Baruuk, Hildryn, Wisp, Gauss, Grendel, Protea, Xaku, Lavos, Sevagoth, Yareli.

Is Warframe an endless game? ›

Warframe is a nearly endless game, with thousands of hours of content. There are main quests to proceed through, unlocking the game's main locations, but the majority of the time spent in the game will be farming resources and items in its various missions.

What Warframe has the highest armor? ›

Warframes Comparison
Inaros Prime2215240
Ivara Prime180135
44 more rows

Who is the 50th Warframe? ›

Styanax is the 50th unique Warframe to be released.

Which Warframe runs the fastest? ›

Nezha is the fastest but is difficult to control. Zephyr and Volt are tied for the fastest at sprinting. Loki and Arcane Vanguard Rhino Prime are the fastest natively at sprinting. Arcane Vanguard Rhino Prime is also the fastest at just walking, as the helmet modifies that as well.

Who is the 49th Warframe? ›

Annihilate enemies with the conductivity of coils and transmitters and build unstoppable momentum as the 49th Warframe, Gyre.

Who is the 51st Warframe? ›

Hollowframe - Voruna: the 51st warframe in my Hollow Knight x Warframe fanart (+ group and full group wallpaper updates!) : r/HollowKnight.

Who is the big bad in Warframe? ›

Ballas, formerly known as Executor Ballas, is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside The Man in the Wall) of the MMO third person shooter Warframe and the archenemy of the Lotus and the Tenno as a whole.

What is the most popular frame in Warframe? ›

Wisp (and Wisp Prime) - The most popular support frame, providing squad-wide buffs to fire rate and raw health pool.

What is the best reactor in Warframe? ›

Best Reactor

A MK III Zekti Reactor will make abilities like Seeker Volley and Shatter Burst much more effective. As for the trait, a chance to automatically repair Fire Hazards is recommended since those are the most common (and the only common hazard for Grineer missions).

Which is the best Tenno in Warframe? ›

Try Nezha. You get solid CC and star chart level damage with his 4 ability. You also get scaling damage and guaranteed heat procs with his 2 ability which can also be used to give you a significant mobility boost. His 1 ability gives you even more mobility.

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