la Center Point Comments b. D. Beard, Mrs. Emily and Miss Laura Mateer Thuraday in San Antonio. A.
L. Cooke of San Antonio frirms here Inst week. Rev. And Mrs. C.
Carroll of Harlingen were guests during the past week of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hood.
Mr. and Mra. Guy James spent: Wednesday in San Antonio, 4. Week The Mrst work in April has been designated A4 "Clean-tip. and l'aint-U'p" Wrek.
Let everybody give Centre A spring cleaning. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krurke. meyer of Robstown have announced the birth of a son, Milton Larry, born on Feb.
16. Grandparenta are Mr. atti Ara. A. D.
and Kruckemeger Mrs. Arthur of Smith Bandera of and Center: Point. 4 When those high out of town hays give you lost Mg-: your sidling ronfing prublems, stive your local building materials dealer a chance too. Nine times out of ten his prices: will be lower for the same product. with the same terms.
And then he will be around the next day, month of years, always paying his 18.344 and working at bet tering the co, emunity. Sallee L.1m: her Phone 9, Center Point. Mry. R. F.
Musty and Mrs. Charles H. Musty spent Thursday in San Mr. and Mrs. Ace Radabaugh of Bandera were guests Sunday of: her sister.
Mrs. Cylde Powell, and Mr. Powell. 5 Miss Mary Lee Mosty attended a slumber party Friday night at; the home of July Linn in Kerrville. t.
Methodist Women Meet The Cynthia D'afford Circle of the First Methodist Char met Thursday, afternoon in the hem W. N. Hood. Mrs. D.
Hard: directed the program oli and Workors," and others assisting were Mesdames W. Randle, W. N. Hend. Charles Rees.
Stewart and Charles F. Sikes. "he Circle was most fortunate: in baring as a guest Mrs. Randle's daughter. Mrs.
Roy Zuefeldt of! Cross Plains, who give nn inter- eating talk on Scotland and other European countries. Rev. and Mre. Zurfeldt have recently re. turned from two years.
spent Edinburg. Sentland. Delectable res freshments were server to 18 members and two guests. Miss Marie Atarges of San Antonin spent the week end with her mother. Mrs.
N. F. Sturges. Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Kensing and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Kensing in San Antonio Wednesday. Mr. and Mr4.
Bodo Albrecht have announced the birth of a son, brey Clinton. on Feb. 23. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Hugo, Albrecht of Comfort mi Mya. Myrtle Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H.
R. Burney had A4 guests for the week end Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marney of Aus- tin and Miss Janis Burney of San Marcos. Mr4.
Claud Yeager and V. E. Darr spent Thursday in Uvaldo, where they attended the Eastern Star School of Instruction. Mr. and Hirs.
Bob Taylor of Bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Albrecht of Comfort were guests! of Mr. and Mrs. Bodn Albrecht Sunday.
0 Mr. and Mos. W. F. Rippy of Dripping Springs were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon l'owell day. A.
To Mat The Parent- Association will meet Tuesday at the school gym at 4 p. 111. Roy fart, Boy Scout excentive of the Coun-: District, will show films on d'ah Spouting. and the public is in-: site! to attend. ilart will be the! speaker at the meeting of the Lion- Ciab Tuesday evening: 7:30 p.
11. Mr. and Mrs. (. M.
Sallee and family spent the week end in Sami Antonio, MIs. Esther Davenport of San: Antonio is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Charles H. Mosty, and Mr.
Monty this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Powell, I and children, Sandra and Ricky, of Pecos were here the past week WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING DHPENDABLE WORK A A TCHM ASTER Fully Insured While TESTED In Our Possession. LEWIS' JEWELRY STORE 703 Water Street Kerrville, Tesas When the customer says, "You've got show We subscribe to the theory that it you ask a man to buy your product. your customer has a right to know what he's getting for his money. As a custemer tor our advertising space, you have a right to know. tor crampie, what circulation sales message will get: how your their many people, where they buy copies, and how this audience was obtained.
Our A.b.C'.' report gives you the facts you need us a sound basis for your advertising investments. It shows ABC, you you what advertise you in get for this your newspaper. money when Ask us for a copy of our latest A.B.C'. report. newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
cooperative, a F. cf: advertisers, gad agencies. Our circulation is ABC Lucited by riced A.C circulation Our W. report shows how circulution have. where it goes, REPORT haw abigined, and other facts that tell ad.
vertisera whet they get for their money wise they we this paper. The Kerrville Mountain San Mare 76 Kerr Me for a visit with Mr. and Mra. Clyde Powell. They were enroute to tin.
where they will make their home. Mrs. ('linton Burney is spending the week with relatives in New Braunfels. Charles Ray and his mother, Mrs. Rosa Ray, spent the week end with relative in San Antonio.
Belinen Mosty, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Musty, is convalessing from a tonsiloctomy which sho underwent the past week at the Brooke General Hospital in San Antonin, 4 Mra. John Mayo and daughter, Janet. of Mason, visited relatives here during the week end.
To Laborador Mre. M. J. Norwood and children, Karen and Randy, who have been visiting their parents and grandparents for several Weeks, left Saturday by plane for Goose Bay. Laborador, where they will join Sgt.
Norwood. They were accompanied to San Antonio by Mr. and Mrs. liamlyn. Mrs.
Vada Waltors hi F. J. DeCoux of Houston spent the week end at Camp Christian. Mr. and Mrw.
William Mabry and daughter, Pamela, A. R. Mabry and Mrs. Ancil Powell were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Whitworth, and family nt Rockeprings Saturday. Mrs. Roy Zuefeldt and daughter, Ellen, of Cross Plains have returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Randle. Mr. and Mire. Guy James had as guest.a during the week end Mr.
and Mrs. Claud Lawless and family of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ables and sons, Jimmy Douglas, of Ready and Mr. and Mrs.
S. James of Kerrville. week end guest of Mias Martha Miss Julie Ann Mosty was MeGarraugh at the Sunshine Ranch in San Antonio. Mrs. Lee Barney returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Beeville and Sun Antonio.
Garden Club members attending the Flower Show School in Kerrville Monday were Mesdames G. L. Rowsey, Josie D. Jackson, W. L.
Randle and C. E. Barfield. Friends will learn with regret of the death of Clyde Singleton of San Antonio. Mr.
Singleton passed away Thursday nfter a several weeks' illness. He is aurvived by his wife. the former Carrie Lea Sarber. Garden ('lub Meets The Center Point. Garden Club met Wednesday in the home of Mra.
Royce Milthaler in Shady Grove with 31 members and one guest. present. Mrs. Don Hutchins and Mrs. John Hamlyn were assist-: ing hostegyrs, and Miss Lillian Harl and Mrs.
Lucile Davis presided at the refreahment which was attractively decorated for Washington's birthday. During the business meeting. plans for the Centennial and Flowor Show were discussed. The next i meeting will be held March 14 the home of Mira. Charles H.
Mos. ty, with Mr. Lee Moaty and Mre. Gary Finch as assisting 04805, Mr. and Mw.
J. M. Grayson and Mrs. Mattie fa*gan of Kerrile visited friends here Sunday. Mr.
and Mra. I. A. Cox of San Antonio were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Hood. Baptist Women Meet Ton members of the W. M.
U. of the First Baptist Church tended 211 all-day as mooting held at the First Baptist Church in Kerrville. Mrs. E. D.
Head taught the book, "The Tribes (Ho Up," which is a history of the Baptist missionary work among the American Indians. There were 18 churches from the Medina River Asauciation represented, and. about 150 delegates attended. Those from Center Point who at- FINE EN CO I LIST OF THE Hunt Hunt Happenings Mr. and Mra.
L. W. Mattison of Houston were ab their home hore last weck. They were joined during the week end by their. daughter, Mrs.
Dan Lear, and' family, also of Houston. Mr. and Mia. Joo Benson have had as their guests for several days Mrs. Green and her muchter of Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mra. Loyd Mitchell were in Del Rio recently for a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Dub Glynn, and her family.
Mra. R. L. Etter of spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs.
Lee Lemons, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Wolfe of Houston spent last week at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cassin of San Antonio spent the week end at Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gordon of Houston were here recently. They were enroute home from Arizona, and also spent a few days in California while awar. M.r.
and Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Corpus Christi were here for few days last weck. Methodist WSC8 The Spiritual Classic was prevented Tuesday afternoon for the Women's Society of Christian Service at the Methodist Church. The atudy was "The Practice of the Presence of God." and was ted by Mmes. J.
E. Bettencourt, Bob Ricketts, E. M. Peters and Louis Sonnen. Col.
and Mrs. D. S. Sutterwhite of Killeen visited her another and sister. Mrs.
Ethel Smith, and Mrs. Howard Blackburn, and family last week. BAll Cantwell of Fort Hood spent the week end with his father, George Cantwell, and with Mr. and Sirs. Jesse Benson.
Mrs. Press Graham had as her guests for the week end her children, Mr. and Mre. Ben Johanagon of the Rio Grande Valley and Mis. John LeFluer and son, Johnny, of Alice, ---A Mr.
and Mra. Allen Schumacher and daughters, Jeanette and Dot- bonded the meeting included: Mrs. HI. R. Burney, Mrs.
Clinton Burney, Mrs. Lucile Davia, Mrs. Dudley Davis, Miss Lillian Harl, Mra. D. McClure, Mrs.
T. L. Cox, Mrs. James Cherry, Mry. Ruby l'age and Nra.
R. W. Byrd. Methodist Church Notes Dr. L.
U. Spollman of Kerrville was the guest speaker at the Fist Methodist Church Sunday evening. After the service, the Fourth Quarterly Conference WAS held, and a covered dish supper preI corded the service. Fashions By "Master Doug" 315 W. Main.
Kerrville. At Five Points Mrs. Day's "Ideal Baby Shoes" Are The Brand All Mothers Cay Trust NTYLE QUALITY Size. 0 to AND DO YOU KNOW ABOUT "SLEEPY DRYE The Answer To A Crying Nerd Cotton Water-Repellent Diaper Cover, Made With Magical Repalthal Knitted Fabric SOFT POROUS ODORLESS No More Air tight Rubber or Plastic Pants HUMPTY DUMPTY'S SUMMER STOCK Nun Nhowing A Dazzling Array of Sun and Fun Fashions For The Youse Net. Everything For disco 0 to 11 Beautiful Now Dresses a Smart Sport Coals Cottons and Nylons Linens Nylons Wools SUITS, COATS, HATS, RAGS, GLOVES COMPLETE LINE OF INFANT APPAREL AND SHIRTS Parking HUM T.
Kerrville Monday. ter, Mrs. Gilbert Woerner, family, Mr. and Mrs. Boh Ramsey ent daughter of Kerrville their place here last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence er spent Monday In Kerrvilte, Mrs. T. R.
Womack of Kerrville visited with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Cowden and sons; Friday and Saturday. Doyle Crider, who attends school in Uvalde, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrn. Byron Crider, last week end. Miss Jody Linn represented the square dancer and. David. Snodgrass was the Western boy on theCentennial float that paraded in downtown Kerrville and through the State Home grounds Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Orien Love were in Kerrville Monday. February Formal The members and guests of the Divide Community Club were entertained with a semi-formal dance on Friday evening. The hall was decorated for George Washington with red, white and blue paper streamers used across the ceiling.
A cherry tree, complete with blossoms, cherries and an axe, was on a small table along with other reminders of the great man. An Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Raymond, for special dinner parties. Baptist Church Rev. W. L. Brown, pastor The church is engaged in a vival meeting which will begin Sunday, March 4, through the following Sunday, March 11.
The services will begin each evening at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Charles Becton, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Pappolote, will be the evangelist for this I meeting. Don Weir, Ingram, will lead the singing and Miss Margie Raiford will be the pianist.
The church has set a goal for 75 in attendance for the Sunday School for the first Sunday and the goal set for the last Sunday which is March 11 is the enrollment of the Sunday School which is 90. carnations, the table, A front of the with flags divered on it. AD time this was pulled aside to reveal the and cookles, the Fred Schuha, Sari Garretts, Rankin OMhausens and T. Mrs. 1 Friends were saddened by the death of Mrs.
Rat Morriss in San Antonio hospital fast She had lived here in this comma nity many years and had moved to Kerrville a couple of years ago. to be near her children and grandchildren. Our deepest sympathy goes to the children and other reintives of this section. Friends will be glad learn that Mrs. Harvey Bird has return.
ed home after undergoing an operation at the Peterson Hospital, Mrs. J. T. Burris is a patient in the Peterson Hospital this week. Mrs.
Bruner Lee is also a patient in the hospital. MORE circulation means MORE readers. That makes advertising In the Kerrville Mountain Sun bring more results. Only the Mountain Sun has ABC teed circulation, (Adv.) Salesbooks and register forms. Our prices are right, and you are guaranteed satisfaotion.
Kerrville Mountain Sun. Sixteen ed in cording to I Nichols, tax vote lector. The figure meloded four teen passenger and one rolet ted the with anger cars and one commercials unit etch. New car licenses were, tosued to: Andrew E. Lemoine, Fredericks burg Road.
Ford two door. Chevrolet two door. L. En Wagner, Hunt, Mercury four -door. H.
M. Naylor, San Antonio Road, Cadillac, coupe, West Texas Auto 608 Water, St. Oldsmobile four West Texas Auto 008 Water, Pontiac coupe. William Wheat, Schreiner' Airport, Mereury four-door, Sessum 826 Lamar rolet truck, H. Bradford, Oldsmobile four-door.
Fred Ross, Rocksprings, let tour -door. E. C. Andrew, San Antonio Highway, Pontiac four -door. William P.
Witt, Route 1, Kerrville, Buick four-door. L. Heder, Medina, Ford pickup. Max C. Topperwein, 055 Wheless, Ford four -door, Kerrville Bus Box 1070, Kerrville, Chevrolet four -door.
N. K. Edwards, Box 49, Kerrville, Ford station wagon. tie, visited Mrs. John Schumacher Saturday, Lt.
And Mrs. Riley Mogford of San Antonio spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mogford. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Bowman of San Antonio: spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Baker. AL The Villa Guests at the Villa Sunday at neon were the P.
E. Collette family, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Griggs. Mr.
and Mrs. O. R. Winters of Houston, who are planning to build a home here within the near future, were guests of Mr. and Mra.
Jay Colvin. Among those who enjoyed the buffet supper Tuesday evening were Dr. and Mrs. Judd Kirkham, Mrs. Walter Petsch, Mrs.
Lange, Glenn Petsch, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tuttle, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Roland, Mr. and S. C.
Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Luna, Dr. and Mrs. W.
E. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Walton. Other hosts during the week were Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Roco*ck, Mrs. George Broun, TRADES DAY SPECIALS SPECIAL GROUPS $3.95 to $1.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 82.00; $2.95 to $8.95 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS $8.95 and 89.95 MEN'S WESTERN SHIRTS 93.99% $10.00 MEN'S DRESS FELT HATS 82.90 No Exchanges No Refunds HARRIS MEN'S STORE 207 EARL GARRETT PHONE a the fashion line is the LONG LINE. and Playtex Introduces the perfect bra for it NEW PLAYTEX I in LONG LINE with the Magic Midriff for that smooth, long leek from bust to hips. $595 me Sizes 6.95 He's another "Arst" from Playtox new, bra with the elastic Magic Midriff cleverly to minimize your middle and make your dintiest clothes fit and look better! best of all, the exclusive Playtex construction keeps, your bosom high, round and youthha in heavenly comfort! PLAYTIX BANDEAU IN PLAYTEX HIGH STYLI BANDEAU ACHREINER'S, KHARVILE, TEXAN AND NYLON A beautiful cotton confection with the the following Playias BRAS ELASTIC elastic band. STYLE COLOR SIZE PRICE "Custom-contoured" to feel, flatter "inverted waist and fit as if made for you done.
You've never dreamed of such Holds you youthfully high and round fort and At in a cotton bra. in heavenly comfort all day long! bas nylon net frames the cups assures White and black. definite separation. Sizes 32 to 40, 8. C.
2.00 Mama 9.05 "D' Sizes to 42. 4.95 Sizes 32 to 40, 4, B. C. White only, please priat to Lasuse A a.